
1. [ləʋn] n
1. заём; ссуда; кредит

government loans - государственные займы

domestic and foreign loans - внутренние и иностранные займы

2. лингв. заимствование; заимствованное слово
3. что-л. данное взаймы или во временное пользование

on loan - а) (данный) взаймы; б) предоставленный на время (об экспонате для выставки и т. п.)

to have the loan of smth., to have smth. on loan - а) получить что-л. взаймы; б) получить что-л. во временное пользование

may I have the loan of your sewing-machine? - можно мне взять (на время) вашу швейную машину?

4. работник, временно переведённый в другую организацию (особ. о киноактёре)

she is on loan to another studio - она временно работает на другой студии

5. книговыдача (в библиотеке)

I have the book out on loan from the library - я взял эту книгу в библиотеке

2. [ləʋn] v
1. давать взаймы, ссужать (тж. loan out)
2. разг. брать взаймы занимать
3. давать деньги под проценты

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "loan" в других словарях:

  • LOAN — (Heb. הַלְוָאָה, halva ah), a transaction in which a thing, usually money, is given by one person, called the malveh ( lender ), to another, called the loveh ( borrower ), for the latter s use and enjoyment, and in order that such thing or its… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • loan — n 1 a: money lent at interest b: something lent usu. for the borrower s temporary use 2: a transfer or delivery of money from one party to another with the express or implied agreement that the sum will be repaid regardless of contingency and usu …   Law dictionary

  • loan — verb. In 19c British English, loan was a standard alternative for lend, but by the time Fowler wrote (1926) loan had been largely driven out by lend, although it has continued in use in AmE. In current use loan is mostly confined to non British… …   Modern English usage

  • Loan — Loan, n. [OE. lone, lane, AS. l[=a]n, l[ae]n, fr. le[ o]n to lend; akin to D. leen loan, fief, G. lehen fief, Icel. l[=a]n, G. leihen to lend, OHG. l[=i]han, Icel. lj[=i], Goth. leihwan, L. linquere to leave, Gr. lei pein, Skr. ric. [root]119. Cf …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • loan — (n.) mid 13c., from O.N. lan, related to lja to lend, from P.Gmc. *laikhwniz (Cf. O.Fris. len thing lent, M.Du. lene, Du. leen loan, fief, O.H.G. lehan, Ger. Lehn fief, feudal tenure ), originally to let have, to leave (to someone), from PIE *lei …   Etymology dictionary

  • LOAN — oder Loan bezeichnet: LOAN, ICAO Code des Flugplatz Wiener Neustadt/Ost Benjamin F. Loan (1819–1881), US amerikanischer Politiker Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wor …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • loan — loan·able; loan; loan·er; loan·ing; …   English syllables

  • loan — ► NOUN 1) a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest. 2) the action of lending. ► VERB ▪ give as a loan. ● on loan Cf. ↑on loan DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • loan — [lōn] n. [ME lone < ON lān (akin to OE læn, lending, loan, lænan, to lend) < IE base * leikw , to leave behind > L linquere, Gr leipen, Sans riṅákti, (he) leaves] 1. the act of lending, esp. to use for a short time [the loan of a pen] 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Loan — Loan, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Loaned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Loaning}.] To lend; sometimes with out. Kent. [1913 Webster] By way of location or loaning them out. J. Langley (1644). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Loan — (l[=o]n), n. [See {Lawn}.] A loanin. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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