- live down
- [ʹlıvʹdaʋn] phr v
своим поведением заставить забыть прошлую вину, прошлые прегрешения и т. п.
to live down one's record [reputation] - загладить своё прошлое [исправить свою репутацию]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to live down one's record [reputation] - загладить своё прошлое [исправить свою репутацию]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
live down — (something) to do well so that others forget something bad you said or did. Ken is still trying to live down his comment that most of what s on the Web now is crap. After the way she behaved at the office party, I don t think she ll ever be able… … New idioms dictionary
live down — ► live down succeed in making others forget (something regrettable or embarrassing). Main Entry: ↑live … English terms dictionary
live down — verb live so as to annul some previous behavior You can never live this down! • Syn: ↑unlive • Hypernyms: ↑live • Verb Frames: Somebody s something * * * transitive verb … Useful english dictionary
live down — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms live down : present tense I/you/we/they live down he/she/it lives down present participle living down past tense lived down past participle lived down [usually in negatives] to make people forget about… … English dictionary
live down — PHRASAL VERB If you are unable to live down a mistake, failure, or bad reputation, you are unable to make people forget about it. [V P n (not pron)] Labour was also unable to live down its reputation as the party of high taxes... [V n P] I… … English dictionary
live down — verb To get used to something shameful. He has never been able to live down his electoral defeat … Wiktionary
live down — phr verb Live down is used with these nouns as the object: ↑reputation … Collocations dictionary
live down — remove blame or distrust by good conduct, cause to be forgiven by not repeating something He is trying to live down his reputation of being a hard person to work for … Idioms and examples
Live! Down the Road — Livealbum von Marcia Ball Veröffentlichung 26. April 2005 Aufnahme September 2004 Label … Deutsch Wikipedia
live down something — live down (something) to do well so that others forget something bad you said or did. Ken is still trying to live down his comment that most of what s on the Web now is crap. After the way she behaved at the office party, I don t think she ll… … New idioms dictionary
live down — {v.} To remove (blame, distrust or unfriendly laughter) by good conduct; cause (a mistake or fault) to be forgiven or forgotten by not repeating it. * /John s business failure hurt him for a long time, but in the end he lived it down./ * /Frank… … Dictionary of American idioms