- littleneck
- [ʹlıtlnek] n зоол.
молодь жёсткой ракушки (Venus mercenaria)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
littleneck — n. 1. a quahog when young and small; frequently eaten raw. Syn: littleneck clam. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a young quahog suitable to be eaten raw. Syn: littleneck clam. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
littleneck — ☆ littleneck [lit′ l nek΄ ] n. [after Little Neck, Long Island] the young of the quahog, a round, thick shelled clam, usually eaten raw: also littleneck clam … English World dictionary
littleneck — noun 1. a quahog when young and small; usually eaten raw; an important food popular in New York • Syn: ↑littleneck clam • Hypernyms: ↑quahaug, ↑quahog, ↑hard shell clam, ↑round clam 2. a young quahog … Useful english dictionary
littleneck — noun Etymology: Littleneck Bay, Long Island, N.Y. Date: 1883 a young quahog suitable to be eaten raw called also littleneck clam … New Collegiate Dictionary
littleneck clam — noun 1. a quahog when young and small; usually eaten raw; an important food popular in New York • Syn: ↑littleneck • Hypernyms: ↑quahaug, ↑quahog, ↑hard shell clam, ↑round clam 2. a young quahog … Useful english dictionary
littleneck clam — noun see littleneck … New Collegiate Dictionary
littleneck — /lit l nek /, n. the quahog clam, Venus mercenaria, when young and small. [1850 55, Amer.; named after Little Neck Bay, N.Y., where it was once plentiful] * * * … Universalium
littleneck — noun A young quahog, or hard clam … Wiktionary
littleneck — n. small quahog clam … English contemporary dictionary
littleneck — lit•tle•neck [[t]ˈlɪt lˌnɛk[/t]] n. ivt a young quahog clam • Etymology: 1850–55, amer.; after Little Neck Bay, N.Y … From formal English to slang
Little Neck, Queens — Little Neck is a community in the New York City borough (New York City) of Queens. It is the northeast corner of Queens, bordered on the north by Little Neck Bay and on the east by Great Neck in Nassau County. Due to this proximity to Nassau,… … Wikipedia