- litigation
- [lıtıʹgeıʃ(ə)n] n юр.
судебный процесс, судебное дело, тяжба
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Litigation-PR — (dt. „Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Rechtsstreit“, auch strategische Rechtskommunikation oder prozessbegleitende Öffentlichkeitsarbeit[1]) ist eine Form der Pressearbeit, bei der die Kommunikation nach außen vor, während und nach juristischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
litigation — I noun action, case, cause, controversy, disputation, dispute, judicial contest, lawsuit, legal action, legal battle, legal contest, legal dispute, legal matter, legal proceeding, legal remedy, matter, proceeding, suit, suit at law, trial,… … Law dictionary
Litigation — Lit i*ga tion, n. [L. litigatio, fr. litigare to dispute, litigate; lis, litis, dispute, lawsuit (OL. stlis) + agere to carry on. See {Agent}.] The act or process of litigating; a suit at law; a judicial contest. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
litigation — A dispute that results in formal Court action or a law suit. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 … Glossary of Bankruptcy
litigation — 1560s, disputation, from L.L. litigationem (nom. litigatio), noun of action from pp. stem of L. litigare to dispute, quarrel, strive, from phrase litem agere, from litem (nom. lis) lawsuit, dispute, quarrel, strife + agere to drive, conduct (see… … Etymology dictionary
litigation — [n] matter coming before court of law action, case, cause, contention, dispute, lawsuit, process, prosecution, suit, trial; concept 318 … New thesaurus
litigation — [lit΄i gā′shən] n. [LL litigatio] 1. the act or process of carrying on a lawsuit 2. a lawsuit … English World dictionary
litigation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ costly, expensive ▪ endless, lengthy, protracted ▪ complex ▪ potential, threatened … Collocations dictionary
litigation — litigate lit‧i‧gate [ˈlɪtgeɪt] verb [intransitive, transitive] LAW to take a claim or complaint against a person or organization to a court of law: • He spent several weeks looking for the right lawyers to litigate the case … Financial and business terms
litigation — n. 1) to initiate, start litigation 2) litigation over; with 3) in litigation (the case was in litigation) * * * [lɪtɪ geɪʃ(ə)n] startlitigation with to initiate litigation over in litigation (the case was in litigation) … Combinatory dictionary
litigation — /lit i gay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of litigating: a matter that is still in litigation. 2. a lawsuit. [1560 70; < LL litigation (s. of litigatio) a dispute. See LITIGATE, ION] * * * … Universalium