- litchi
- [ʹlaıtʃi:] n бот.
нефелиум (Nephelium gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
litchi — [ litʃi ] n. m. • 1721; lichi 1665; lechia 1588; chin. li chi ♦ Arbre d Asie méridionale, à fruit comestible; ce fruit. Litchis frais, en conserve. Litchis au sirop. On dit aussi LETCHI [ lɛtʃi ]. ● litchi ou letchi ou lychee nom masculin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Litchi — Li tchi (l[=e] ch[=e] ), n. (Bot.) The fruit of a tree native to China ({Nephelium Litchi}). It is nutlike, having a rough but tender shell, containing an aromatic pulp, and a single large seed. In the dried fruit which is exported the pulp… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
litchi — [lē′chē΄] n. [Chin li chih] 1. a Chinese evergreen tree (Litchi chinensis) of the soapberry family, cultivated in warm climates for its fruit 2. its fruit, usually eaten as a dried or preserved nut (litchi nut): it consists of a single seed… … English World dictionary
litchi — • Litchi chinensis … Svensk synonymlexikon
litchi — see lychee … Modern English usage
Litchi — Litchi … Wikipédia en Français
Litchi — Litchi … Wikipedia Español
Litchi — Litschibaum Litschibaum (Litchi chinensis), Früchte Systematik Unterklasse: Rosenähnliche (Rosidae) … Deutsch Wikipedia
litchi — /lee chee/, n., pl. litchis. 1. the fruit of a Chinese tree, Litchi chinensis, of the soapberry family, consisting of a thin, brittle shell enclosing a sweet, jellylike pulp and a single seed. 2. the tree itself. Also, leechee, lichee. [1580 90;… … Universalium
litchi — lìt·chi s.m.inv. 1a. CO frutto commestibile grosso come una noce, con buccia coriacea e polpa bianca dal sapore zuccherino: macedonia di pesche e litchi 1b. TS bot.com. pianta del genere Litchi (Litchi chinensis o Nephelium litchi) che produce… … Dizionario italiano
Litchi — kininis ličis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Sapindinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, maistinis, vaisinis, vaistinis augalas (Litchi chinensis), paplitęs atogrąžų Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Litchi chinensis; Nephelium litchi angl. leechee; lychee; … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)