- lipomata
- [l(a)ıʹpəʋmətə] pl от lipoma
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
lipomata — n. benign fatty tumor (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
lipoma — noun (plural mas; also lipomata) Etymology: New Latin Date: 1830 a tumor of fatty tissue • lipomatous adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Shakoor v. Situ — (t/a Eternal Health Co) [2000] 4 All ER 181; [2001] 1 W.L.R. 410; (2001) 57 B.M.L.R. 178; Independent, May 25, 2000; is a first instance case in English tort law on the standard of care appropriate for an alternative medicine practitioner. Its… … Wikipedia
lipoma — lipomatous /li pom euh teuhs, poh meuh , luy /, adj. /li poh meuh, luy /, n., pl. lipomas, lipomata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. a benign tumor consisting of fat tissue. Also called fatty tumor. [1820 30; < NL; see LIP , OMA] * * * … Universalium
lipoma — A benign neoplasm of adipose tissue, composed of mature fat cells. SYN: adipose tumor. [lipo + G. oma, tumor] l. annulare colli an encircling growth of l. (or coalescent lipomas) in the neck, resulting in a collar like enlargement. SEE ALSO: Mad … Medical dictionary
Conolly Norman — (12 March 1853 February 1908) was an Irish alienist, or psychiatrist, of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He was the Resident Medical Superintendent of a number of district asylums, most notably Ireland’s largest asylum, the… … Wikipedia
lipoma — fatty tumor (plural lipomata), 1830, medical Latin, from Gk. lipos fat (n.), see LIPO (Cf. lipo ), + OMA (Cf. oma) … Etymology dictionary
lipoma — [lɪ pəʊmə] noun (plural lipomas or lipomata mətə) Medicine a benign tumour of fatty tissue … English new terms dictionary
lipoma — n.; pl. lipomas or lipomata a common benign tumour composed of well differentiated fat cells … The new mediacal dictionary
lipoma — /lɪˈpoʊmə/ (say li pohmuh) noun (plural lipomas or lipomata /lɪˈpoʊmətə/ (say li pohmuhtuh)) a tumour made up of fat tissue; a fatty tumour. {lip + oma} …
lipoid — a. like fat. ♦ lipoidal, ♦ lipoidic, a. ♦ lipolysis, n. disintegration of fat. ♦ lipoma, n. ( pl. ♦ mata ) fatty tumour. ♦ lipomatosis, n. presence of many lipomata; obesity … Dictionary of difficult words