linguistic universals

linguistic universals
[lıŋʹgwıstık͵ju:nıʹvɜ:s(ə)lz] = language universals

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linguistic universals" в других словарях:

  • Linguistic universal — A linguistic universal is a statement that is true for all natural languages. For example, All languages have nouns and verbs, or All spoken languages have consonants and vowels. Research in this area of linguistics is closely tied to linguistic… …   Wikipedia

  • universals — n. (ling.) linguistic universals * * * (ling.) linguistic universals …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Linguistic relativity and the color naming debate — Linguistic relativity stems from a question about the relationship between language and thought, about whether one s language determines the way one thinks. This question has given birth to a wide array of research within a variety of different… …   Wikipedia

  • Linguistic typology — is a subfield of linguistics that studies and classifies languages according to their structural features. Its aim is to describe and explain the structural diversity of the world s languages. It includes three subdisciplines: qualitative… …   Wikipedia

  • Linguistic relativity — Anthropology Fields Archaeology Biological anthropology Cultural anthropology Linguistic anthropology Social anthropology …   Wikipedia

  • Linguistic meaning — See also Meaning (linguistics). Linguistic meaning is the content carried by the words or signs exchanged by people when communicating through language. Restated, the communication of meaning is the purpose and function of language. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Joseph Greenberg — Infobox Scientist name = Joseph Greenberg birth date = May 28, 1915 birth place = Brooklyn, New York death date = May 7, 2001 death place = Stanford, California residence = citizenship = nationality = American ethnicity = field = linguistics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Second language acquisition — is the process by which people learn a second language in addition to their native language(s). The term second language is used to describe the acquisition of any language after the acquisition of the mother tongue. The language to be learned is …   Wikipedia

  • Proto-Human language — The Proto Human language (also Proto Sapiens, Proto World) is the hypothetical most recent common ancestor of all the world s languages. The concept of Proto Human presupposes monogenesis of all recorded spoken human languages. It does not… …   Wikipedia

  • Sign language — Two men and a woman signing. A sign language (also signed language) is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyed sound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns (manual communication, body language) to convey meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • Roman Jakobson — Roman Osipovich Jakobson, (Russian, Роман Осипович Якобсон), (11 October 1896 – 18 July 1982) was a Russian linguist and literary critic, associated with the Formalist school. He became one of the most influential linguists of the 20th century by …   Wikipedia

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