
1. [ʹlaıklı] a
1. обыкн. predic вероятный, возможный

where are you likely to be this evening? - где вы предполагаете быть сегодня вечером?, где вы скорее всего будете сегодня вечером?

it is quite likely - весьма вероятно

I am likely to be in London next week - я, вероятно, буду в Лондоне на следующей неделе

he is not likely to forget her - он вряд ли забудет её

an incident likely to lead to war - инцидент, который вполне может привести к войне

2. правдоподобный; заслуживающий доверия

a likely story - правдоподобная история

a likely account - заслуживающий доверия отчёт

that's a likely story! - ирон. конечно!, всё так и было!

3. 1) подходящий, удовлетворительный

he seems a likely young fellow for the job - он, по-видимому, подходящий молодой человек для этой работы

2) подходящий, удобный (для чего-л.)

likely place - подходящее место

what is the likeliest time to find him at home? - в какое время легче /удобнее/ всего застать его дома?

4. подающий надежды

a likely subject - многообещающая тема

a fine likely boy - славный малый, который может далеко пойти

5. амер. красивый; с располагающей внешностью

a likely child - милое /очаровательное/ дитя

2. [ʹlaıklı] adv
вероятно (обыкн. most likely, very likely)

I shall very likely see you again - я скорее всего ещё увижусь с вами

as likely as not - вполне вероятно, возможно

he will forget all about it as likely as not - не исключено, что он обо всём этом забудет

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Смотреть что такое "likely" в других словарях:

  • likely — [līk′lē] adj. likelier, likeliest [ME likly, prob. aphetic < OE geliclic (or < ? ON likligr): see LIKE1 & LY1] 1. apparently true to the facts; credible; probable [a likely cause] 2. seeming as if it would happen or might happen; reasonably …   English World dictionary

  • Likely — Like ly, a. [Compar. {Likelier} (l[imac]k l[i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Likeliest}.] [That is, like like. See {Like}, a.] 1. Worthy of belief; probable; credible; as, a likely story. [1913 Webster] It seems likely that he was in hope of being busy and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • likely — 1. As an adverb, likely needs the support of a qualifying or intensifying word such as more, quite, or very (They ve quite likely left by now / It s more likely a toadstool), whereas in AmE it often stands alone: • It is possible to predict that… …   Modern English usage

  • likely — ► ADJECTIVE (likelier, likeliest) 1) such as well might be the case; probable. 2) promising. ► ADVERB ▪ probably. ● a likely story! Cf. ↑a likely story! …   English terms dictionary

  • Likely — may refer to:* Likely, British Columbia, Canada * Likely McBrien (1892 1956), leading Australian rules football administrator in the Victorian Football Leagueee also* Likely Airport …   Wikipedia

  • likely — [adj] probable, apt, hopeful acceptable, achievable, anticipated, assuring, attainable, believeable, conceivable, conjecturable, credible, destined, disposed, expected, fair, favorite, feasible, given to, imaginable, inclined, in favor of,… …   New thesaurus

  • Likely — Like ly, adv. In all probability; probably. [1913 Webster] While man was innocent he was likely ignorant of nothing that imported him to know. Glanvill. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • likely — (adj.) c.1300, perhaps from O.N. likligr likely, from likr like (see LIKE (Cf. like) (adj.)). Old English had cognate geliclic. Meaning having the appearance of being strong and capable is from mid 15c., though now mostly confined to American… …   Etymology dictionary

  • likely — index apparent (presumptive), appropriate, believable, circumstantial, convincing, deductible (provable) …   Law dictionary

  • likely — 1 *probable, possible Analogous words: credible, believable, colorable, *plausible: reasonable, *rational Antonyms: unlikely Contrasted words: *doubtful, dubious, questionable, problematic: * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • likely — like|ly1 W1S1 [ˈlaıkli] adj comparative likelier superlative likeliest [Date: 1300 1400; : Old Norse; Origin: glikligr, from glikr like ] 1.) something that is likely will probably happen or is probably true ≠ ↑unlikely ▪ Snow showers are likely… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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