- lictor
- [ʹlıktə] n
ликтор (в Древнем Риме)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
lictor — LÍCTOR, lictori, s.m. (în Roma antică) Persoană care însoţea, în anumite ocazii, pe înalţii demnitari, mergând înaintea lor şi purtând fasciile. – Din lat. lictor, oris. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 lictór s. m., pl.… … Dicționar Român
Lictor — (del lat. «lictor, ōris») m. Funcionario *romano que precedía a los magistrados llevando un haz de varas con una hacha en el centro. ⇒ Fasces, faz, segur. * * * lictor. (Del lat. lictor, ōris). m. Entre los romanos, ministro de justicia que… … Enciclopedia Universal
LICTOR — dictus a ligando, iuxta illud, Lictor collig at manus: vel a ligand is fascibus, ut vult Festus; vel a limo s. licio, licio enim transverso, quod limum appellabatur, qui magistratib. praeministrabant, cincti erant. Sed primum placet A. Gellio… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Lictor — (plural lictores). Los lictores eran funcionarios públicos que durante el periodo republicano de la Roma clásica se encargaban de escoltar a los magistrados curules, marchando delante de ellos, e incluso de garantizar el orden público y custodia… … Wikipedia Español
lictor — late 14c., from L. lictor, lit. binder, from pp. stem of *ligere to bind, collect, collateral form of ligare (see LIGAMENT (Cf. ligament)) … Etymology dictionary
lictor — (Del lat. lictor, ōris). m. Entre los romanos, ministro de justicia que precedía con las fasces a los cónsules y a otros magistrados … Diccionario de la lengua española
lictor — [lik′tər] n. [ME (Wycliffe) littour < L lictor < base of ligare (see LIGAMENT), in allusion to the fasces] in ancient Rome, any of a group of minor officials who carried the fasces and cleared the way for the chief magistrates … English World dictionary
Lictor — Lic tor (l[i^]k t[o^]r), n. [L.] (Rom. Antiq.) An officer who bore an ax and fasces or rods, as ensigns of his office. His duty was to attend the chief magistrates when they appeared in public, to clear the way, and cause due respect to be paid… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lictor — |ô| s. m. Cada um dos doze portadores de varas que acompanhavam os cônsules (na antiga Roma) … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Lictor — The lictor, derived from the Latin ligare (to bind), was a member of a special class of Roman civil servant, with special tasks of attending and guarding magistrates of the Roman Republic and Empire who held imperium ; essentially, a bodyguard.… … Wikipedia
Lictor — Liktor mit Fasces Liktoren (lat. lictores zu ligare, binden ) waren ursprünglich im Römischen Reich jene Diener, die den König als Leibwache schützen sollten, später Amtsdiener, die den höheren Staatsbeamten mit imperium (Konsuln, Prätoren,… … Deutsch Wikipedia