- lexicography
- [͵leksıʹkɒgrəfı] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lexicography — Lex i*cog ra*phy (l[e^]ks [i^]*k[o^]g r[.a]*f[y^]), n. [Cf. F. lexicographie.] The art, process, or occupation of making a lexicon or dictionary; the principles which are applied in making dictionaries; as, with so many words lexicography can be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lexicography — 1670s, from LEXICO (Cf. lexico ) + GRAPHY (Cf. graphy). Related: Lexicographic; lexicographical … Etymology dictionary
lexicography — ► NOUN ▪ the practice of compiling dictionaries. DERIVATIVES lexicographer noun lexicographic adjective … English terms dictionary
lexicography — [lek΄sə käg′rə fē] n. [< Gr lexikon, LEXICON + GRAPHY] the act, process, art, or work of writing or compiling a dictionary or dictionaries lexicographic [lek΄si kə graf′ik] adj. lexicographical lexicographically adv … English World dictionary
Lexicography — For the term in mathematics, see Lexicographical order. Lexicography is divided into two related disciplines: Practical lexicography is the art or craft of compiling, writing and editing dictionaries. Theoretical lexicography is the scholarly… … Wikipedia
lexicography — [[t]le̱ksɪkɒ̱grəfi[/t]] N UNCOUNT Lexicography is the activity or profession of writing dictionaries. Derived words: lexicographer plural N COUNT A lexicographer s job is to describe the language … English dictionary
lexicography — noun Date: 1680 1. the editing or making of a dictionary 2. the principles and practices of dictionary making • lexicographical or lexicographic adjective • lexicographically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
lexicography — См. lessicologìa … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
lexicography — lexicographic /lek si koh graf ik, si keuh /, lexicographical, adj. lexicographically, adv. /lek si kog reuh fee/, n. 1. the writing, editing, or compiling of dictionaries. 2. the principles and procedures involved in writing, editing, or… … Universalium
lexicography — noun a) The art or craft of compiling, writing and editing dictionaries. b) The scholarly discipline of analyzing and describing the semantic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships within the lexicon (vocabulary) of a language and developing … Wiktionary
lexicography — Synonyms and related words: criticism, cryptanalysis, cryptography, cryptology, diagnostics, epigraphy, exegetics, glossography, hermeneutics, lexicology, lexigraphy, literary criticism, metoposcopy, oneirology, onomasiology, onomastics,… … Moby Thesaurus