
1. [ʹles(ə)n] n
1. 1) урок, занятие

lesson book - учебник

English [singing] lesson - урок английского языка [пения]

revision lesson - повторительный урок

lesson in mathematics [in drawing] - урок математики [рисования]

to give lessons - давать уроки [ср. тж. 2, 2)]

to take lessons - брать уроки

2) урок, задание

to learn one's lesson - учить урок [см. тж. 2,1)]

to do /to make, to prepare/ one's lessons - готовить уроки

to say /to recite/ one's lesson - отвечать урок

3) pl занятия

Tom is very fond of his lessons - занятия в школе очень нравятся Тому

4) муз. (инструментальный) этюд
2. 1) урок, предостережение

to learn one's lesson - получить хороший урок [см. тж. 1, 2)]

to teach smb. a lesson - проучить кого-л.

let his fate be a lesson to you - пусть его судьба будет вам /послужит для вас/ уроком

2) нотация, наставление, нагоняй

to give /to read/ smb. a lesson - прочесть кому-л. нотацию, отчитать кого-л. [ср. тж. 1, 1)]

3. церк. поучение, отрывок из Библии (читается во время службы)
2. [ʹles(ə)n] v
1. учить, обучать

to lesson smb. into obedience - научить кого-л. повиновению

2. читать нотацию; поучать; отчитывать

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Смотреть что такое "lesson" в других словарях:

  • Lesson — Les son (l[e^]s s n), n. [OE. lessoun, F. le[,c]on lesson, reading, fr. L. lectio a reading, fr. legere to read, collect. See {Legend}, and cf. {Lection}.] 1. Anything read or recited to a teacher by a pupil or learner; something, as a portion of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lesson — [les′ən] n. [ME lessoun < OFr leçon < L lectio, a reading, hence text, lesson < pp. of legere, to read: see LOGIC] 1. something to be learned; specif., a) an exercise or assignment that a student is to prepare or learn within a given… …   English World dictionary

  • Lesson — Les son, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lessoned} ( s nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lessoning}.] To teach; to instruct. Shak. [1913 Webster] To rest the weary, and to soothe the sad, Doth lesson happier men, and shame at least the bad. Byron. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lesson XX — Género Drama, Romance, Yaoi, Shōjo Estudio Daiei Co. Ltd Lanzamiento 1995 …   Wikipedia Español

  • lesson — [n1] information taught assignment, chalk talk*, class, coaching, drill, education, exercise, homework, instruction, lecture, period, practice, quiz, reading, recitation, schooling, study, task, teaching, test, tutoring; concepts 274,285,287… …   New thesaurus

  • Lesson — (spr. óng), René Primevère, Naturforscher, geb. 20. März 1794 in Rochefort, gest. daselbst 28. April 1849, begleitete 1822–25 den Kapitän Duperrey auf seiner Weltreise auf der Korvette La Coquille und wurde dann Professor der Botanik in Rochefort …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • lesson — index caveat, correction (punishment), guidance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • lesson — ● lesson Mot anglais signifiant leçon et désignant en Angleterre, aux XVIIe et XVIIIe s., une suite ou sonate pour un ou plusieurs instruments. (J. Dowland, T. Morley, H. Purcell et G. F. Händel sont les principaux auteurs de lessons.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • lesson — (n.) early 13c., a reading aloud from the Bible, also something to be learned by a student, from O.Fr. leçon, from L. lectionem (nom. lectio) a reading, noun of action from pp. stem of legere to read (see LECTURE (Cf. lecture) (n.)). Transferred… …   Etymology dictionary

  • lesson — (izg. lèsn) m DEFINICIJA 1. glazb. pov. instrumentalno djelo, posebno kompozicije za orgulje (u Engleskoj u 17. i 18. st.) 2. čitanje odlomaka iz svetih knjiga za vrijeme službe u crkvi ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • lesson — ► NOUN 1) a period of learning or teaching. 2) a thing learned. 3) a thing that serves as a warning or encouragement. 4) a passage from the Bible read aloud during a church service. ORIGIN Old French leçon, from Latin legere read …   English terms dictionary

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