- leonides leonids
Leonides, Leonids
1> _pl. _астр. Леониды
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Leonids — [lē än′i dēz΄lē′ə nidz΄] pl.n. 〚Fr < L Leo (gen. Leonis): see LEO1 & ID〛 the meteor showers visible annually about November 16: they appear to radiate from the constellation Leo: also … Universalium
Leonids — [lē än′i dēz΄lē′ə nidz΄] pl.n. [Fr < L Leo (gen. Leonis): see LEO1 & ID] the meteor showers visible annually about November 16: they appear to radiate from the constellation Leo: also Leonides [lē än′i dēz΄] … English World dictionary
Leonid — /lee euh nid/, n., pl. Leonids, Leonides /lee on i deez /. Astron. any of a shower of meteors occurring around November 15 and appearing to radiate from a point in the constellation Leo. [1875 80; < NL Leonides, equiv. to L Leon (s. of Leo) LEO + … Universalium
Leonid — /ˈliənɪd/ (say leeuhnid) noun (plural Leonids or Leonides /liˈɒnədiz/ (say lee onuhdeez)) Astronomy any of a shower of meteors occurring about 15 November and appearing to radiate from Leo. {back formation from Leonides, plural, from Latin. See… …
Leonid — noun (plural Leonids or Leonides) Etymology: Latin Leon , Leo; from their appearing to radiate from a point in Leo Date: 1876 any of the meteors in a meteor shower occurring every year about November 14 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Leonid — may refer to:*Leonids, a yearly prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel Tuttle.People with the name Leonid: *Leonid Brezhnev (1906 1982), political leader of the USSR from 1964 to 1982. *Leonid Kravchuk, (b. 1934) a Ukrainian… … Wikipedia