- lengthways
- [ʹleŋθweız] adv
в длину; вдоль
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
lengthways — UK [ˈleŋθˌweɪz] / US or lengthwise UK [ˈleŋθˌwaɪz] / US adverb in the direction of the longest side of something Slice the pears in half lengthways … English dictionary
lengthways — lengthways, lengthwise For the adjective only lengthwise is used: The driver was sleeping in a doubled up lengthwise position. For the adverb both forms are available: a hollow tube split lengthways/lengthwise … Modern English usage
Lengthways — Length ways ( w[=a]z ), Lengthwise Length wise ( w[imac]z ), adv. In the direction of the length; running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing; in a longitudinal direction. Contrasted with {crosswise}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lengthways — 1590s, from LENGTH (Cf. length) + WAY (Cf. way), with adverbial genitive s … Etymology dictionary
lengthways — [ˈleŋθˌweɪz] or lengthwise [ˈleŋθˌwaɪz] adv in the direction of the longest side of something … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
lengthways — ► ADVERB ▪ in a direction parallel with a thing s length … English terms dictionary
lengthways — [[t]le̱ŋθweɪz[/t]] also lengthwise ADV: ADV after v Lengthways or lengthwise means in a direction or position along the length of something. Cut the aubergines in half lengthways... She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them… … English dictionary
lengthways — adv. Lengthways is used with these verbs: ↑cut … Collocations dictionary
lengthways — length|ways [ leŋθ,weız ] or length|wise [ leŋθ,waız ] adverb in the direction of the longest side of something: Slice the pears in half lengthways … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lengthways — also length.wise adverb in the direction or position of the longest side; longways AmE: Lay the bricks lengthways … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
lengthways — adverb Date: 1599 lengthwise … New Collegiate Dictionary