- leaver
- [ʹli:və] n см. leave1 II + -er
school leaver - а) выпускник, абитуриент; б) ученик, бросивший школу
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
school leaver - а) выпускник, абитуриент; б) ученик, бросивший школу
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Leaver — Leav er (l[=e]v [ e]r), n. One who leaves, or withdraws. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leaver — Henrietta Leaver (* 28. März 1916 in Monongahela bei Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania als Henrietta Applegate; † September 1993) war 1935 die neunte Miss America. Henrietta Leaver arbeitete in einem kleinen five and dime store in McKeesport. 1933 gewann… … Deutsch Wikipedia
leaver — A merchant ship which breaks off from a convoy to proceed to a different destination and becomes independent. Also called convoy leaver. See also leaver convoy; leaver section … Military dictionary
leaver — atsiskiriantysis laivas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Prekinis laivas, kuris atsiskiria nuo laivų konvojaus ir plaukia į kitą paskyrimo vietą atskirai. atitikmenys: angl. convoy leaver; leaver pranc. navire quittant; navire quittant un… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
leaver — noun One who leaves. Hes a leaver, not a stayer, hell never be happy tied down in one place … Wiktionary
Leaver — This interesting name recorded as Lever, Levers and Leaver, has three distinct possible origins. Firstly, it may derive from the old French levre , a hare and originally given as a nickname to a fleet footed person. Occasionally, Lever may be a… … Surnames reference
leaver — /ˈlivə/ (say leevuh) noun 1. someone or something that leaves. 2. a school leaver. {leave1 + er1} …
leaver — Ⅰ. leave [1] ► VERB (past and past part. left) 1) go away from. 2) cease living at, attending, or working for: he left home at 16. 3) allow or cause to remain; go away without taking. 4) (be left) remain to be used or dealt with: drink … English terms dictionary
leaver section — A group of ships forming part of the main convoy which will subsequently break off to become leavers or a leaver convoy. See also leaver; leaver convoy … Military dictionary
leaver convoy — A convoy which has broken off from the main convoy and is proceeding to a different destination. See also leaver; leaver section … Military dictionary
leaver convoy — atsiskiriantysis konvojus statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Konvojaus laivų grupė, kuri, atsiskyrusi nuo pagrindinio konvojaus, tampa atskiru konvojumi ir plaukia į kitą paskyrimo vietą. atitikmenys: angl. leaver convoy pranc. convoi détaché… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas