
[ʹli:kı] a
1. имеющий течь; пропускающий; неплотный

a leaky bucket - дырявое ведро

a leaky umbrella - дырявый зонт

2. 1) разг. болтливый, не умеющий хранить тайну
2) не обеспечивающий секретности; незащищённый от утечки секретной информации

leaky vessel - болтун; ≅ не умеет держать язык за зубами

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "leaky" в других словарях:

  • Leaky — Leak y, a. [Compar. {Leakier}; superl. {Leakiest}.] 1. Permitting water or other fluid to leak in or out; as, a leaky roof or cask; a leaky faucet. [1913 Webster] 2. Apt to disclose secrets; tattling; not close. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Leaky — may refer to: * Leaky abstraction * Leakey, a common surnameee also*Leak …   Wikipedia

  • leaky — lē kē adj relating to or being a mutant gene that changes the structure of the protein and esp. an enzyme that it determines so that some but not all of its biological activity is lost also being such a protein with subnormal activity …   Medical dictionary

  • leaky — mid 15c., from LEAK (Cf. leak) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Leakiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • leaky — [lēk′ē] adj. leakier, leakiest allowing the accidental entrance or escape of a fluid substance; having a leak or leaks leakiness n …   English World dictionary

  • leaky — leakiness, n. /lee kee/, adj., leakier, leakiest. 1. allowing liquid, gas, etc., to enter or escape: a leaky boat; a leaky container. 2. Informal. unreliable: a leaky memory; a leaky tongue. [1600 10; LEAK + Y1] * * * …   Universalium

  • leaky — UK [ˈliːkɪ] / US [ˈlɪkɪ] adjective Word forms leaky : adjective leaky comparative leakier superlative leakiest a leaky object or container has a hole or crack in it so that liquid or gas comes out of it a leaky tap …   English dictionary

  • leaky — leak|y [ˈli:ki] adj a container, roof etc that is leaky has a hole or crack in it so that liquid or gas passes through it ▪ The house had a leaky roof …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • leaky — leak|y [ liki ] adjective a leaky object or container has a hole or crack in it so that liquid or gas comes out of it: a leaky faucet/roof …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • leaky — [[t]li͟ːki[/t]] leakiest ADJ GRADED Something that is leaky has holes, cracks, or other faults which allow liquids and gases to pass through. ...the cost of repairing the leaky roof …   English dictionary

  • leaky — adjective Having leaks, not sealed. The leaky bucket only dripped one drop at a time, but by the time I got back to the house it was half empty …   Wiktionary

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