
[ʹleızı] a
1) ленивый

a lazy river - лениво текущая река

to spend a lazy afternoon - провести лень в ничегонеделании

he is lazy about getting up - он ленив /ленится/ вставать

2) располагающий к лени (о погоде, обстановке и т. п.)

lazy man's load - огромная охапка (которую трудно донести, но легко рассыпать)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lazy" в других словарях:

  • Lazy Y U — Lugar designado por el censo de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lazy — can refer to: * Laziness, the lack of desire to expend effort * Łazy, a town in Poland (and other places in Poland with the same name) * Lazy (Orlová), a former village now part of the town of Orlová in the Czech Republic * Lazy (song), by Suede… …   Wikipedia

  • Lazy ML — (LML) is a functional programming language developed in the early 1980s by Lennart Augustsson and Thomas Johnsson at Chalmers University of Technology, prior to Miranda and Haskell. LML is a strongly typed, statically scoped language with lazy… …   Wikipedia

  • Lazy — bezeichnet Lazy, Ortsteil von Orlová, Okres Karvina, Tschechien Lazy, Ortsteil von Lázně Kynžvart, Okres Cheb, Tschechien Lazy, Stadtviertel von Zlín, Okres Zlín, Tschechien siehe auch Łazy (Begriffsklärung) Lázy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lazy — lazy, indolent, slothful, faineant are comparable primarily as applied to persons, their powers, movements, and actions, but also in some degree to things. All mean not easily aroused to action or activity. Lazy especially when applied to persons …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Lazy — La zy, a. [Compar. {Lazier}; superl. {Laziest}.] [OE. lasie, laesic, of uncertain origin; cf. F. las tired, L. lassus, akin to E. late; or cf. LG. losig, lesig.] 1. Disinclined to action or exertion; averse to labor; idle; shirking work. Bacon.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lázy — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in Tschechien Lázy , Ortsteil von Městečko Trnávka, Okres Svitavy Lázy, Ortsteil von Loučka, Okres Vsetín; siehe Lázy (Loučka) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lazy-i — is an online music magazine of Tim McMahan that includes feature interviews, reviews and news. The focus is on the indie music scene on national bands as well as local music in the Omaha, Nebraska area. The articles are also featured in a weekly… …   Wikipedia

  • lazy — (adj.) 1540s, laysy, of unknown origin. Replaced native slack, slothful, and idle as the main word expressing the notion of averse to work. In 19c. thought to be from LAY (Cf. lay) (v.) as tipsy from tip. Skeat is responsible for the prevailing… …   Etymology dictionary

  • lazy — [lā′zē] adj. lazier, laziest [Early ModE, prob. < MLowG or MDu, as in MLowG lasich, slack, loose < IE les , slack, tired, akin to base * lēi : see LATE] 1. not eager or willing to work or exert oneself; indolent; slothful 2. slow and heavy; …   English World dictionary

  • lazy — UK US /ˈleɪzi/ adjective ► not willing to work hard or make an effort: »His line manager felt that he was brilliant but lazy …   Financial and business terms

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