- lapdog
1> декоративная собачка (болонка, левретка)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lapdog — Lap dog , n. 1. A small dog which is or can be fondled in the lap. [1913 Webster] 2. One who does the bidding of another; a servile follower. [informal] [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lapdog — also lap dog, 1640s, from LAP (Cf. lap) (n.) + DOG (Cf. dog) (n.); figurative sense of subservient person is by 1950. Senator McCarthy (R Wis) renewed his Communists in Government charges today and called Senator Tydings (D Md) the Truman… … Etymology dictionary
lapdog — ► NOUN 1) a small pampered pet dog. 2) a person who is completely under the influence of another … English terms dictionary
lapdog — UK [ˈlæpˌdɒɡ] / US [ˈlæpˌdɔɡ] noun [countable] Word forms lapdog : singular lapdog plural lapdogs 1) a small pet dog 2) showing disapproval a weak person who is willing to do whatever someone else tells them to … English dictionary
lapdog — /ˈlæpdɒg/ (say lapdog) noun 1. a pet dog small enough to lie on one s lap. 2. a person who, through admiration for or infatuation with a superior, unthinkingly endorses their every act …
lapdog — noun Date: 1645 1. a small dog that may be held in the lap 2. a servile dependent or follower … New Collegiate Dictionary
lapdog — lap dog n. 1. A small dog kept as a pet. 2. Informal. One eager to do another s bidding, especially in order to maintain a position of privilege or favor: “a bunch of intellectual lap dogs for anybody who holds a big job in government” (Mike… … Universalium
lapdog — noun a) A dog small and tame enough to be held in the lap. b) one who is completely obedient, unquestioning, and submissive to the government or another party … Wiktionary
LAPDOG — Low Altitude Pursuit Dive On Ground ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
lapdog — lap|dog [ læp,dɔg ] noun count 1. ) a small pet dog 2. ) a weak person who is willing to do whatever someone else tells them to … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
LAPDOG — Low Altitude Pursuit Dive On Ground ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z