languor — I noun apathy, debility, drowsiness, dullness, emasculation, enervation, fatigue, feebleness, heaviness, hebetude, helplessness, idleness, immobility, impotence, inaction, inactivity, indifference, indolence, inertness, inexcitability, lack of… … Law dictionary
Languor — Lan guor, n. [OE. langour, OF. langour, F. langueur, L. languor. See Languish.] 1. A state of the body or mind which is caused by exhaustion of strength and characterized by a languid feeling; feebleness; lassitude; laxity. [1913 Webster] 2. Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
languor — (n.) c.1300, disease, distress, mental suffering, from O.Fr. langor sickness, weakness (Mod.Fr. langueur), from L. languorem (nom. languor) faintness, feebleness, lassitude, from languere be weak or faint (see LAX (Cf. lax)). Sense shifted to… … Etymology dictionary
languor — (Del lat. languor, ōris). m. p. us. languidez … Diccionario de la lengua española
languor — [laŋ′gər] n. [ME langour < OFr langueur < L languor < languere, to be weary: see LANGUID] 1. a lack of vigor or vitality; weakness 2. a lack of interest or spirit; feeling of listlessness; indifference 3. the condition of being still,… … English World dictionary
languor — *lethargy, lassitude, stupor, torpor, torpidity Analogous words: exhaustion, fatigue, weariness (see corresponding verbs at TIRE): ennui, doldrums, *tedium: depression, blues, dumps (see SADNESS) Antonyms: alacrity Contrasted words: *celerity,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
languor — [n] lethargy apathy, dullness, fatigue, idleness, inaction, inactivity, laziness, listlessness, sluggishness, tiredness, torpor, weakness; concepts 315,410,633,748 … New thesaurus
languor — ► NOUN 1) tiredness or inactivity, especially when pleasurable. 2) an oppressive stillness of the air. DERIVATIVES languorous adjective languorously adverb … English terms dictionary
languor — (Del lat. languor, lánguido.) ► sustantivo masculino literario Falta de ánimo, valor o energía. SINÓNIMO languidez * * * languor (del lat. «languor, ōris») m. Languidez. ≃ Langor. * * * languor. (Del lat. languor, ōris). m. p … Enciclopedia Universal
languor — noun a) a state of the body or mind caused by exhaustion or disease and characterized by a languid feeling: lassitude languor of convalescence b) listless indolence; dreaminess … Wiktionary
languor — lan|guor [ˈlæŋgə US ər] n [U] literary [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin, from languere; LANGUISH] 1.) a pleasant feeling of laziness ▪ Lying there beside her, he was filled with an agreeable languor. 2.) when the air is heavy and… … Dictionary of contemporary English