landing deck

landing deck
[ʹlændıŋdek] ав., мор.
посадочная часть полётной палубы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "landing deck" в других словарях:

  • Landing Deck, Helicopter Assault — Die Tarawa 1997 vor Kalifornien Geschichte Typ Amphibisches Angriffsschiff Namensgeber Insel Tarawa Einheiten 5 gebaut, 3 in Dienst …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • landing deck — noun the upper deck of an aircraft carrier; used as a runway • Syn: ↑flight deck • Hypernyms: ↑deck • Part Holonyms: ↑aircraft carrier, ↑carrier, ↑flattop, ↑attack aircraft …   Useful english dictionary

  • deck — Synonyms and related words: accouter, ace, adorn, apparel, appoint, array, attire, bag, bale, band, bang, bash, bat, beautify, bed, bedding, bedeck, bedizen, bedrape, belt, best bower, biff, bindle, blazon, blow down, blow over, boat deck, bolt,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Landing Signal Officer — Landing Signal Officers (LSOs) are naval aviators specially trained to control the approach and landings of airplanes aboard aircraft carriers. Paddles In the U.S. Navy, aircraft carrier operations began with USS Langley (CV 1) in 1922. Langley s …   Wikipedia

  • Landing craft — are boats and seagoing vehicles used to convey a landing force (infantry and vehicles) from the sea to the shore during an amphibious assault. Most renowned are those used to storm the beaches of Normandy, the Mediterranean, and many Pacific… …   Wikipedia

  • Landing Platform Helicopter — Landing Platform, Helicopter (LPH) is the US Navy hull classification symbol for the amphibious assault ships of the Iwo Jima class and three converted Essex class aircraft carriers. No ships of this classification are currently in active service …   Wikipedia

  • Landing Helicopter Dock — (LHD), is the US Navy hull classification symbol for multipurpose amphibious assault ships which are capable of operating helicopters and have a well deck. Examples of this kind of ship include the USN s Wasp class, French Navy s Mistral class,… …   Wikipedia

  • Landing Ship, Tank — A Canadian LST off loads an M4 Sherman during the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943. Landing Ship, Tank (LST) was the military designation for naval vessels created during World War II to support amphibious operations by carrying significant… …   Wikipedia

  • landing ship, tank — ▪ naval ship  naval ship specially designed to transport and deploy troops, vehicles, and supplies onto foreign shores for the conduct of offensive military operations. LSTs were designed during World War II to disembark military forces without… …   Universalium

  • Deck (ship) — For other uses, see Deck. A deck is a permanent covering over a compartment or a hull[1] of a ship. On a boat or ship, the primary deck is the horizontal structure which forms the roof for the hull, which both strengthens the hull and serves as… …   Wikipedia

  • Landing craft tank — The Landing Craft, Tank (Landing Craft Tank) was an amphibious assault ship for landing tanks on beachheads. The first examples appeared during the Second World War. They were used by the Royal Navy and U.S. Navy in World War II. The latter used… …   Wikipedia

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