- lallan lallans
Lallan, Lallans
1> лаланс, диалект южной части Шотландии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lallans — (pronEng| lɑ:lən(d)z), a variant of the Scots word lawlands meaning the lowlands of Scotland, was also traditionally used to refer to the Scots language as a whole. More recent interpretations assume it refers to the dialects of south and central … Wikipedia
Lallans — [lal′ənz] n. the English dialect of the Scottish Lowlands, esp. in its written form: also Lallan … English World dictionary
Lallan — Lal•lan [[t]ˈlæl ən[/t]] adj. Scot. scot. of or belonging to the Lallans • Etymology: 1775–85; Scots form of lowland … From formal English to slang
lallan — n. & adj. Sc. n. (now usu. Lallans) a Lowland Scots dialect, esp. as a literary language. adj. of or concerning the Lowlands of Scotland. Etymology: var. of LOWLAND … Useful english dictionary
Лаллан — (лалланс) (Lallan, Lallans)LallanLallans, разновидность диалекта жителей Шотландской низменности, развиваемого специально как литературный яз. современными шотландскими писателями … Страны мира. Словарь
Modern Scots — Not to be confused with Scottish people. Scots language History … Wikipedia