- laicize
- [ʹleıısaız] v книжн.
секуляризировать, освобождать от церковного влияния
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
laicize — (Amer.) la·i·cize || leɪɪsaɪz v. change from religious to secular; remove the religious element, secularize; remove clerical status or character from (also laicise) … English contemporary dictionary
laicize — [lā′isīz΄] vt. laicized, laicizing [ LAIC + IZE] 1. to reduce (a cleric) to the lay state; make a layman of 2. to remove clerical influence from; restrict to laymen; secularize laicization n … English World dictionary
laicize — laicization /lay euh seuh zay sheuhn/, n. /lay euh suyz /, v.t., laicized, laicizing. to remove the clerical character or nature of; secularize: to laicize a school; to laicize the office of headmaster. Also, esp. Brit., laicise. [1790 1800; LAIC … Universalium
laicize — transitive verb (laicized; laicizing) Date: 1870 1. to reduce to lay status 2. to put under the direction of or open to the laity • laicization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
laicize — verb a) To convert from church controlled to independent of the church; to secularize. They will laicise each of the schools in the district. b) To reduce from clergy to layman. Due to his controversial views the Vatican decided to laicise the… … Wiktionary
laicize — or laicise leɪɪsʌɪz verb formal withdraw clerical character, control, or status from. Derivatives laicism noun laicization noun … English new terms dictionary
laicize — la·i·cize … English syllables
laicize — la•i•cize [[t]ˈleɪ əˌsaɪz[/t]] v. t. cized, ciz•ing to remove the clerical character or nature of; secularize • Etymology: 1790–1800 la i•ci•za′tion, n … From formal English to slang
laicize — v.tr. (also ise) 1 make (an office etc.) tenable by lay people. 2 subject (a school or institution) to the control of lay people. 3 secularize. Derivatives: laicization n … Useful english dictionary
laicized — laicize (Amer.) la·i·cize || leɪɪsaɪz v. change from religious to secular; remove the religious element, secularize; remove clerical status or character from (also laicise) … English contemporary dictionary
laicizes — laicize (Amer.) la·i·cize || leɪɪsaɪz v. change from religious to secular; remove the religious element, secularize; remove clerical status or character from (also laicise) … English contemporary dictionary