- kopeck kopek
kopeck, kopek
1> _рус. копейка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
kopeck — [ kɔpɛk ] n. m. • 1806; copec 1607; mot russe ♦ Monnaie russe, ukrainienne, etc. (ancienne Union soviétique), centième du rouble. Loc. fam. Ne pas avoir un kopeck : ne pas avoir d argent du tout. ● kopeck nom masculin (russe kopeïka) Monnaie… … Encyclopédie Universelle
kopeck — ko peck, n.; pl. Eng. {kopecks}, Russ. {kopeek}. [Russ. kopeika.] A small Russian coin, continued as a unit of currency within the Soviet Union. One hundred kopecks make a ruble. The ruble was worth about sixty cents (U. S.) in 1910; in 1991 a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kopek — kopeck ko peck, n.; pl. Eng. {kopecks}, Russ. {kopeek}. [Russ. kopeika.] A small Russian coin, continued as a unit of currency within the Soviet Union. One hundred kopecks make a ruble. The ruble was worth about sixty cents (U. S.) in 1910; in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kopek — ‘Moneda rusa, equivalente a la centésima parte de un rublo’. Es voz aguda: [kopék], no llana. Su plural es kopeks (→ plural, 1h): «Por el precio de unos pocos kopeks no se puede exigir demasiado» (Quintero Danza [Ven. 1991]). También es válida,… … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
kopeck — or kopek [kō′pek΄] n. [Russ kopyejka < kopye, a lance: so named from the lance held by czar represented on the coin] a monetary unit of various countries, equal to 1/ 100 of a ruble: abbrev. k: or kop … English World dictionary
kopek — (also copeck or kopeck) ► NOUN ▪ a monetary unit of Russia and some other countries of the former USSR, equal to one hundredth of a rouble. ORIGIN Russian kope ka small lance (from the figure on the coin (1535) of Tsar Ivan IV, bearing a lance) … English terms dictionary
kopeck — or kopek; also copeck noun Etymology: Russian kopeĭka Date: 1669 see ruble at money table … New Collegiate Dictionary
kopek — noun see kopeck … New Collegiate Dictionary
kopeck — /koh pek/, n. an aluminum bronze coin of Russia, the Soviet Union, and its successor states, the 100th part of a ruble. Also, kopek, copeck. [1690 1700; < Russ kopéika, equiv. to kop ë lance, spear + ka dim. suffix; so called from the lance with… … Universalium
kopek — (or kopeck). Small Russian coin … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
kopek — [ kəʊpɛk, kɒpɛk] (also copeck or kopeck) noun a monetary unit of Russia and some other countries of the former USSR, equal to one hundredth of a rouble. Origin from Russ. kopeĭka, dimin. of kopʻë lance (from the figure on the coin (1535) of Tsar… … English new terms dictionary