- kolinsky
- [kəʹlınskı] n
1) зоол. колонок (Mustela sibirica)2) мех колонка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
kolinsky — [kə lin′skē, kōlin′skē] n. pl. kolinskies [Russ kolinskij, after Kola, district in N Russia] 1. any of several weasels of Asia, esp. a Russian species (Mustela siberica) 2. the brown fur of a kolinsky … English World dictionary
Kolinsky — Ko*lin sky, n. [Russ. kolinski of Kola, a district in northeasten Russia where the finest minks abound.] Among furriers, any of several Asiatic minks; esp., {Putorius sibiricus}, the yellowish brown pelt of which is valued, esp. for the tail,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kolinsky — noun (plural skies) Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1851 1. any of several Asian weasels (especially Mustela siberica) 2. the fur or pelt of a kolinsky … New Collegiate Dictionary
kolinsky — /keuh lin skee/, n., pl. kolinskies. 1. an Asian mink, Mustela sibirica, having buff or tawny fur. 2. the fur of such an animal. [1850 55; perh. alter. of Russ kolonkí, pl. of KOLONÓK kolinsky Evenki (NW dials.) xolongo] * * * also spelled… … Universalium
Kolinsky sable-hair brush — Kolinsky sable hair artist brushes A Kolinsky sable hair brush (also known as red sable or sable hair brush) is a fine artists paintbrush. The hair is obtained from the tail of the kolinsky (Mustela sibirica), a species of weasel rather than an… … Wikipedia
Kolinsky — Langschwanzwiesel (Mustela frenata) Als Wiesel werden mehrere Raubtierarten aus der Gattung Mustela innerhalb der Familie der Marder (Mustelidae) bezeichnet. Die Benennung ist jedoch keine systematische, da mehrere „Wiesel“ beispielsweise näher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
kolinsky — noun a) The Siberian weasel, b) The fur of the Siberian weasel … Wiktionary
Kolinsky — Kolịnsky, Handelsbezeichnung für das Fell des Sibirischen Feuerwiesels, Wiesel … Universal-Lexikon
Kolinsky — One of the most famous of all surnames of Germanic origins, and recorded in some fifty spelling ranging from Klaus, Kloss and Koilas, to Kollatsch, Kulik and Clausen, this is a shortform or nickname. It derives from the ancient Greek name… … Surnames reference
kolinsky — n. Japanese mink; fur of the Japanese mink … English contemporary dictionary
Kolinsky — Fur of the Siberian mink, hairs from which are used for the finest sable brushes. Also see brush … Glossary of Art Terms