- knockkneed
1> вывернутыми внутрь коленями
2> прихрамывающий
3> запинающийся
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
knockkneed — adjective a) having the knees abnormally close together, and the ankles spread apart b) suffering from genu valgum (or tibia valga) See Also: knock knee … Wiktionary
knock knee — noun The medical condition genu valgum See Also: knockkneed … Wiktionary
angularity — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Quality of having angles Nouns 1. (quality of having an angle) angularity, obliquity; angle, notch, fork, bifurcation; elbow, knee, knuckle, ankle, shoulder, groin, crotch, crutch, crane, fluke; zigzag,… … English dictionary for students
prevaricate — [16] Etymologically, prevaricate means ‘walk crookedly’, and it goes back ultimately to a Latin adjective meaning ‘knockkneed’, varus. From this was derived the verb vāricāre ‘straddle’, which was combined with the prefix prae ‘before, beyond’ to … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
prevaricate — [16] Etymologically, prevaricate means ‘walk crookedly’, and it goes back ultimately to a Latin adjective meaning ‘knockkneed’, varus. From this was derived the verb vāricāre ‘straddle’, which was combined with the prefix prae ‘before, beyond’ to … Word origins
pre|var|i|cate — «pree VAR uh kayt», intransitive verb, cat|ed, cat|ing. 1. to turn aside from the truth in speech or action; lie. 2. to speak evasively; equivocate. ╂[< Latin praevāricārī make a sham accusa … Useful english dictionary