
1. [ʹnɒkəbaʋt] n разг.
1. грубый фарс; дешёвое представление (с потасовками, драками и т. п.)
2. актёр, участвующий в таком представлении [см. 1]
3. амер. небольшая парусная яхта
4. рабочая одежда; прочный, удобный костюм
5. австрал. подёнщик (на овцеводческой ферме)
2. [ʹnɒkəbaʋt] a
1. 1) грубый, с драками, побоями
2) театр. проф. шумный, грубый (о зрелище)

knockabout comedy - фарс, балаган

2. 1) ведущий странствующий образ жизни; бродячий
2) рабочий (об одежде)

knockabout suit - рабочий костюм

3. австрал. подённый; выполняющий случайную работу (на овцеводческой ферме)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "knockabout" в других словарях:

  • Knockabout — Knock a*bout , n. 1. (Naut.) A small yacht, generally from fifteen to twenty five feet in length, having a mainsail and a jib; a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit. All knockabouts have ballast and either a keel or centerboard. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knockabout — knock a*bout , a. 1. Marked by knocking about or roughness. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. Of noisy and violent character; marked by farce, pratfalls, and horseplay; as, knockabout comedy. [Theat. Slang] Syn: boisterous, slapstick. [Webster 1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knockabout — [näk′ə bout΄] n. ☆ 1. a small, single masted sailing vessel with a mainsail and jib, but no bowsprit 2. something suitable for knockabout use adj. 1. rough; noisy; boisterous 2. made or suitable for knocking about or rough use …   English World dictionary

  • Knockabout — (engl., spr. nockäbaut), eigentlich Blödsinnskomiker, eine Spezialität der Clowns und Varietekomiker, die andre Künstler nachäffen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • knockabout — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of comedy) rough and slapstick. ► NOUN 1) US & Austral. a tramp. 2) Austral./NZ a farm or station handyman …   English terms dictionary

  • knockabout — adjective Date: 1880 1. suitable for rough use < knockabout clothing > 2. a. being noisy and rough ; boisterous < knockabout games > b. characterized by boisterous antics and often extravagant burlesque < knockabout comedy > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • knockabout — /nok euh bowt /, n. 1. Naut. any of various fore and aft rigged sailing vessels having a single jib bent to a stay from the stemhead, no bowsprit being used: usually rigged as a sloop. 2. something designed or suitable for rough or casual use, as …   Universalium

  • Knockabout — 1. leading a rough life travelling about the country and living on one s wits: a knockabout artist ; a hard knockabout life ; 2. rough and uncultivated: knockabout bloke …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • knockabout — Australian Slang 1. leading a rough life travelling about the country and living on one s wits: a knockabout artist ; a hard knockabout life ; 2. rough and uncultivated: knockabout bloke …   English dialects glossary

  • knockabout — [[t]nɒ̱kəbaʊt[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Knockabout comedy is lively and often involves people doing funny things, rather than saying them. [mainly BRIT] He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time …   English dictionary

  • knockabout — UK [ˈnɒkəˌbaʊt] / US [ˈnɑkəˌbaʊt] noun Word forms knockabout : singular knockabout plural knockabouts 1) [countable] an informal game with a ball 2) [countable/uncountable] a very lively argument, for example between politicians 3) [uncountable]… …   English dictionary

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