- klepht
- [kleft] n
1. ист. клефт, партизан2. разбойник, грабитель (в Греции)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
klepht — [kleft] n. [ModGr klephtēs, robber < Gr kleptēs: see KLEPTOMANIA] 1. a member of the Greek patriot bands who held out after the Turkish conquest of Greece in the 15th cent. 2. a brigand … English World dictionary
klepht — noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: New Greek klephtēs, literally, robber, from Greek kleptēs, from kleptein Date: 1820 a Greek belonging to any of several independent guerrilla communities formed after the Turkish conquest of Greece •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Klepht — Klephts (Greek κλέφτης, pl. κλέφτες kleftis , kleftes , which originally meant just thieves ), were bandits and warlike mountain folk who lived in the Greek countryside when Greece was a part of the Ottoman Empire. Due to the development of… … Wikipedia
klepht — klephtic, adj. /kleft/, n. a Greek or Albanian brigand, exalted in the war of Greek independence as a patriotic robber; guerrilla. [1810 20; < ModGk kléphtes, var. of ModGk, Gk kléptes thief, rogue; see KLEPTOMANIA] * * * … Universalium
klepht — n. robber, brigand, bandit; Albanian or Greek robber praised in the war of Greek independence as a patriotic robber … English contemporary dictionary
klepht — [klɛft] noun 1》 a Greek independence fighter, especially one who fought the Turks in the 15th century. 2》 historical a Greek brigand or bandit. Origin from mod. Gk klephtēs, from Gk kleptēs thief … English new terms dictionary
Klepht — ♦ Greek term for a brigand, having often the same positive connotations as the Serbian term hajduk. (Fine, John V.A. Jr. The Late Medieval Balkans, 624) Related terms: Hajduk … Medieval glossary
klepht — n. brigand. ♦ klephtic, a. ♦ klephtism, n … Dictionary of difficult words
klepht — n. 1 a member of the original body of Greeks who refused to submit to the Turks in the 15th c. 2 any of their descendants. 3 a brigand or bandit. Etymology: mod. Gk klephtes f. Gk kleptes thief … Useful english dictionary
Zacharias (klepht) — Zacharios Pentalakos or as he was more commonly known Zachariaos Barbitsiotis (22 October 1759 July 20, 1804, Greek: Ζαχαρίας Μπαρμπιτσιότης) was a Greek klepht in the Peloponnese operating during the time of Ottoman Greece, with most of modern… … Wikipedia
klephtism — klephtˈism noun • • • Main Entry: ↑klepht … Useful english dictionary