kinship family
Смотреть что такое "kinship family" в других словарях:
kinship family — kinship family, a family unit consisting of several closely related families (as father, mother, sons, their wives, and their children) all living together … Useful english dictionary
Kinship (TV series) — Kinship (手足) Genre Long Running Drama Created by Huang Jiahua Written by Kwok Kar Peng Dion Tang He Xing Ying Gladys Tan Directed by Benny Wong Creative … Wikipedia
kinship — is one of the main organizing principles of human society, and kinship systems have been extensively studied by social anthropologists , for whom they are of particular importance because of their primacy in non state societies. Kinship systems… … Dictionary of sociology
family connection — index affiliation (bloodline), affinity (family ties), ancestry, blood, degree (kinship), filiation … Law dictionary
Family preservation — was the movement to help keep children at home with their families rather than in foster homes or institutions. This movement was a reaction to the earlier policy of Family Breakup, which pulled children out of unfit homes. Extreme poverty alone… … Wikipedia
Family — • In the classical Roman period the familia rarely included the parents or the children. Its English derivative was frequently used in former times to describe all the persons of the domestic circle, parents, children, and servants. Present usage … Catholic encyclopedia
family — fam·i·ly / fam lē, fa mə / n pl lies 1: a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption 2: a group of usu. related individuals who live together under common household authority and esp. who have reciprocal duties to each other ◇… … Law dictionary
kinship — I noun affiliation, affinity, association, bond, brotherhood, closeness, cognation, connection, consanguinity, family, family connection, kindredship, link, propinquity, relation, relationship, tie II index affiliation (bloodline), affinity… … Law dictionary
Kinship analysis — is typically used when an individual is deceased and no forensic / post mortem specimens are available for testing. Since related individuals would have some DNA markers in common with one another, we can re create a portion of the missing… … Wikipedia
Family and Kinship in East London — was a 1957 sociological study of how the urban working class lived as a community. The study was carried out in the Metropolitan Borough of Bethnal Green, in the East End of London. The research was carried out by Michael Young and Peter Willmott … Wikipedia
family tie — index affiliation (bloodline), blood, degree (kinship), next of kin, relation (kinship) … Law dictionary