- kilderkin
- [ʹkıldəkın] a
1) полубочонок (емкостью около 60 л́)2) килдеркин, мера ёмкости (около 60 л́)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kilderkin — [ kɪldəkɪn] der, (s)/ (s), altes britisches Volumenmaß, 1 Kilderkin = 81,829 Liter. … Universal-Lexikon
Kilderkin — Kil der*kin, n. [OD. kindeken, kinneken, a small barrel, orig., a little child, fr. kind child; akin to G. kind, and to E. kin.] A small barrel; an old liquid measure containing eighteen English beer gallons, or nearly twenty two gallons, United… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kilderkin — Kilderkin, engl. Biermaß, = 1/3 Hogshead (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Kilderkin — Kildĕrkin, engl. Biermaß zu 18 Gallons = 81,8 l … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
kilderkin — [kil′dər kin] n. [ME kylderkin, altered < MDu kinderkin, quarter tun, dim. < kintal < ML quintale: see QUINTAL] 1. a cask 2. an English unit of liquid measure of about 18 imperial gallons … English World dictionary
Kilderkin — The kilderkin is an old English unit of volume equal to half a barrel or two firkins. It was used as standard size for brewery casks. The word kilderkin comes from Dutch for a small cask. The kilderkin has historically been in the general range… … Wikipedia
kilderkin — n. obsolete British measure of capacity of approximately 18 gallons; cask holding a kilderkin … English contemporary dictionary
kilderkin — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch kindekijn, from Medieval Latin quintale quintal Date: 14th century 1. an English unit of capacity equal to 1/2 barrel 2. cask … New Collegiate Dictionary
kilderkin — /kil deuhr kin/, n. 1. a unit of capacity, usually equal to half a barrel or two firkins. 2. an English unit of capacity, equal to 18 imperial gallons (82 liters). [1350 1400; ME, dissimilated var. of kinderkin < MD, equiv. to kinder ( Ar qintar… … Universalium
kilderkin — noun a) A small barrel. b) An old English liquid measure, usually being half a barrel; containing 18 English beer gallons, or nearly twenty two gallons, United States measure … Wiktionary
kilderkin — old unit of capacity equal to 1/2 barrel or 18 gallons Units of Measurement … Phrontistery dictionary