- aramean
- 1. [͵ærəʹmi(:)ən] = Aramaean I и II 2. [͵ærəʹmi(:)ən] = Aramaean I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aramean — ARAMEÁN, Ă, aremeeni, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. (La m. pl.) Populaţii semitice nomade care au trăit în antichitate în Palestina, Siria şi Mesopotamia; (şi la sg.) persoană care aparţine uneia dintre aceste populaţii. 2. adj. Care aparţine … Dicționar Român
Aramean — Aramaean Ar a*m[ae]an, Aramean Ar a*me an, a. [L. Aramaeus, Gr. ?, fr. Heb. Ar[=a]m, i. e. Highland, a name given to Syria and Mesopotamia.] Of or pertaining to the Syrians and Chaldeans, or to their language; Aramaic. n. A native of Aram. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aramean Syriac Football Association — also known as ASFA, is the name for the newly created football association for the Aramean Syriac people all around the world. [ [http://www.syrianska.se/society.php?page=start society coid=386 Syrianska Föreningen i Södertälje ] ] The ASFA will … Wikipedia
Aramean-Syriac people — The Aramean Syriac people (Syriac: ar. , IPA all| Sūryōyɛ Orōmōyɛ) are an ethnic group who are widely spread into countries such as Syria, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq and speak a variant of Aramaic. In later times, many of them fled… … Wikipedia
Aramean Syriac football team — Infobox National football team Name = Arameans Suryoye Badge = Suryoye FA.png Elo Rank = Nickname = Association = Aramean Syriac Football Association Home Stadium = Confederation = NF Board Coach = Most caps = Top scorer = pattern la1=|pattern b1 … Wikipedia
Aramean — noun see Aramaean … New Collegiate Dictionary
Aramean — /ar euh mee euhn/, n. 1. a Semite of the division associated with Aram. 2. Aramaic (def. 1). Also, Aramaean. [1825 35; < L Aramae(us) ( < Gk aramaîos of ARAM) + AN] * * * … Universalium
Aramean — adj. of or pertaining to Aram or its culture or its people, Aramaic … English contemporary dictionary
Aramean — I noun a member of one of a group of Semitic peoples inhabiting Aram and parts of Mesopotamia from the 11th to the 8th century BC • Syn: ↑Aramaean • Hypernyms: ↑Semite II adjective of or relating to Aram or to its inhabitants or their culture or… … Useful english dictionary
ARAM, ARAMEANS — ARAM, ARAMEANS. The Arameans are a group of western Semitic, Aramaic speaking tribes who spread over the Fertile Crescent during the last quarter of the second millennium B.C.E. Eleventh and tenth century royal inscriptions from Assyria and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
KINGDOMS OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL — samuel and the beginnings of israelite monarchy the united david solomon division of the the earliest kings the last days of samaria. the kingdom of judah until its destruction Samuel and Saul: The Beginnings of Israelite Monarchy Our earliest… … Encyclopedia of Judaism