
1. [͵ærəʹmi(:)ən] n ист.
1. арамеянин; арамеянка

the Aramaeans - собир. арамеи

2. = Aramaic I
2. [͵ærəʹmi(:)ən] a
относящийся к арамеям или к Арамее (древней Сирии)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "aramaean" в других словарях:

  • Aramaean — or Aramean [ar΄ə mē′ən, er΄ə mē′ən] n. 1. a member of a people that lived in ancient Syria (Aram) and Mesopotamia 2. ARAMAIC adj. of the Aramaeans or their language or culture * * * Ar·a·mae·an (ăr ə …   Universalium

  • Aramaean — Ar a*m[ae]an, Aramean Ar a*me an, a. [L. Aramaeus, Gr. ?, fr. Heb. Ar[=a]m, i. e. Highland, a name given to Syria and Mesopotamia.] Of or pertaining to the Syrians and Chaldeans, or to their language; Aramaic. n. A native of Aram. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Aramaean — or Aramean [ar΄ə mē′ən, er΄ə mē′ən] n. 1. a member of a people that lived in ancient Syria (Aram) and Mesopotamia 2. ARAMAIC adj. of the Aramaeans or their language or culture …   English World dictionary

  • Aramaean — also Aramean noun Etymology: Latin Aramaeus, from Greek Aramaios, from Hebrew ‘Ărām Aramaic, ancient name for Syria Date: 1839 1. Aramaic 2. a member of a Semitic people of the second millennium B.C. in Syria and Upper Mesopotamia • Aramaean …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Aramaean (disambiguation) — Aramaean or Aramean may refer to: *the ancient Aramaeans *pertaining to Aram (Biblical region) or Aram Naharaim, including the kingdoms of Aram Damascus and Aram Rehob. *the Aramaic language *the modern Arameansee also*Aram …   Wikipedia

  • Aramaean kingdoms — The Aramaean kingdoms were many. The following were: = Aram Naharaim = = Aram Maacha = = Aram Geschur = = Aram Damascus = = Paddan Aram = = Aram Rehob = = Aram Soba = = Osroene …   Wikipedia

  • Aramaean kings — The Aramaean kings were many, and many of them are mentioned in the Bible. The Aramaean kings where the following:Referenced …   Wikipedia

  • Aramaean — 1. noun /ærəˈmiːən/ a) A West Semitic semi nomadic and pastoralist people who lived in upper Mesopotamia (Biblical Aram) during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They spoke Aramaic. b) the Aramaic language 2 …   Wiktionary

  • Aramaean — n. group of Semitic people that lived in Aram and in sections of Mesopotamia; member of such Semitic people that lived in Aram and in sections of Mesopotamia adj. of or pertaining to Aram or its culture or its people, Aramaic …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Aramaean — [ˌarə mi:ən] (also Aramean) noun a member of a people inhabiting ancient Aram (modern Syria) and Mesopotamia in the 11th–8th centuries BC. adjective relating to Aram or the Aramaeans …   English new terms dictionary

  • aramaean — ar·a·mae·an …   English syllables

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