- kiddy
- [ʹkıdı] n
1. разг. ребёночек, детёныш, малыш2. козлёночек3. вор. жарг. вор, воришка (обыкн. кричаще одетый)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kiddy — war eine französische Automarke. Unternehmensgeschichte Das Unternehmen Ateliers Lecourbe aus Paris begann 1921 mit der Produktion von Automobilen, die als Kiddy vermarktet wurden. 1922 wurde die Produktion eingestellt. Fahrzeuge Das einzige… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kiddy — Kid dy, n. A young fellow; formerly, a low thief. [Slang, Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kiddy — Kid dy, v. t. To deceive; to outwit; to hoax. [Slang] Dickens. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kiddy — (n.) also kiddie; 1570s as young goat; 1780 as flash thief; 1889 as child, from various senses of KID (Cf. kid) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (3). Related: Kiddies … Etymology dictionary
Kiddy — This most interesting surname is a Scottish name, and is a patronymic form of the Gaelic name MacAddie , which itself comes from the Hebrew personal name Adam , borne, according to Genesis, by the first man, and often said to derive from the… … Surnames reference
Kiddy Grade — Éclair (left) and Lumière with LaMuse and Planet Aineias in the background. キディ・グレイド (Kidi Gureido) Genre … Wikipedia
Kiddy Grade — キディ・グレイド (Kidi Gureido) Género Aventura, Misterio, Ciencia Ficción Novela ligera Kiddy Grade Pr. ( Pre story ) Creado por Tomohiko Aoki, Hidefumi K … Wikipedia Español
Kiddy Grade — キディ・グレイド Type Shōnen Genre aventure, mystère, police, science fiction, ecchi Anime Réalisateur(s) Keiji Gotoh Studio d animation GONZO … Wikipédia en Français
Kiddy grade — キディ・グレイド Genre aventure, mystère, police, science fiction, ecchi Anime japonais Réalisateur(s) Keiji Gotoh Studio d’animation GONZO … Wikipédia en Français
Kiddy Grade — キディ・グレイド (Детское подразделение) Жанр мистика, научная фантастика, приключения … Википедия
Kiddy Bag — is a safety kit issued by the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) that is designed to help children to cope in an emergency.The bag contains a whistle to draw attention, a wristband with the child s name, address and contact number to help… … Wikipedia