- kibbutz
- [kıʹbʋts] n (pl -im)
кибуц, кооперативная ферма (в Израиле)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
kibbutz — kib*butz (k[i^]b*b[oo^]ts; k[i^]b*b[=oo]ts), n.; pl. {Kibbutzim}. [Modern Hebrew kibbutz gathering.] an Israeli communal[2] form of agricultural settlement. Originally it was predominantly agricultural and practiced a very high level of sharing,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kibbutz — KIBBÚTZ, kibbutzuri, s.n. Gospodărie colectivă agrară în Israel. [pr.: chibúţ] – Din fr. kibboutz. Trimis de catalin caba, 15.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 KIBBÚTZ, kibbútzuri, s.n. kibbutz (< ebr. mod. qibbūṣ = reuniune, adunare) [et. MW] Trimis… … Dicționar Român
kibbutz — (n.) Israeli collective settlement, 1931, from Modern Heb. qibbus gathering, earlier a gathering together, verbal noun from root of qibbetz he gathered together. Plural is kibbutzim. Related to Arabic quabada he grasped seized … Etymology dictionary
kibbutz — |quibútze| s. m. Herdade israelita de exploração coletiva. • Plural: kibbutzim. ‣ Etimologia: palavra hebraica, de qibbus, agrupamento … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
kibbutz — ► NOUN (pl. kibbutzim) ▪ a communal farming settlement in Israel. ORIGIN modern Hebrew, gathering … English terms dictionary
kibbutz — [ki bo͞ots′, kiboots′] n. pl. kibbutzim [kē΄bo͞o tsēm′] [ModHeb] an Israeli collective settlement, esp. a collective farm … English World dictionary
Kibbutz — A kibbutz (Hebrew: קיבוץ, קִבּוּץ, lit. gathering, clustering ; plural kibbutzim ) is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. The kibbutz is a form of communal living that combines socialism and Zionism.… … Wikipedia
Kibbutz — Als Kibbuz (hebräisch: קִבּוּץ, „Zusammenkunft“; Mehrzahl Kibbuzim) bezeichnet man eine ländliche Kollektivsiedlung in Israel mit gemeinsamem Eigentum und basisdemokratischen Strukturen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Allgemeines 2 Ideologie des Kibbuz 3… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kibbutz — (pl. Kibbutzim) The kibbutz (a word meaning collective settlement that comes from the Hebrew for group) was a socialist experiment, a voluntary grouping of individuals who hold property in common and have their needs satisfied by the commune.… … Historical Dictionary of Israel
kibbutz — /ki boots , boohts /, n., pl. kibbutzim / boot seem /. (in Israel) a community settlement, usually agricultural, organized under collectivist principles. [1930 35; < ModHeb kibus; cf. Heb qibbus gathering] * * * Israeli communal settlement in… … Universalium
kibbutz — (Voz hebrea.) ► sustantivo masculino AGRICULTURA, SOCIOLOGÍA Explotación comunitaria, generalmente agrícola, de Israel. IRREG. plural kibbutz * * * kibbutz (de or. hebr.; pronunc. [quibúts]; pl. «kibbutz») m. Explotación agrícola cooperativista… … Enciclopedia Universal