- keyless
- [ʹki:lıs] a
1. заводящийся без ключа2. не имеющий ключа (о задачнике и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Keyless Go — Keyless Go beschreibt ein automatisches System, ein Fahrzeug ohne aktive Benutzung eines Autoschlüssels (also „keyless“, zu deutsch „schlüssellos“) zu entriegeln und durch das bloße Betätigen des Startknopfes zu starten. Ermöglicht wird das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Keyless Go — (also: Keyless Entry / Go; Passive Entry / Go) is a generic term for an automotive technology which allows a driver to lock and unlock a vehicle without using the corresponding SmartKey buttons. Once a driver enters a vehicle with an equipped… … Wikipedia
keyless — adj. lacking or not requiring a key; as, a keyless lock operated by a series of pushbuttons. Opposite of {keyed}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
keyless — /kee lis/, adj. 1. lacking a key or keys. 2. requiring no key or keys: a keyless lock operated by a series of push buttons. [1815 25; KEY1 + LESS] * * * … Universalium
keyless — adjective lacking or not requiring a key a keyless lock operated by a series of pushbuttons • Ant: ↑keyed … Useful english dictionary
Keyless Entry — Keyless Go beschreibt das automatische System, ein Fahrzeug ohne aktive Benutzung eines Autoschlüssel (also „keyless“, zu deutsch „schlüssellos“) zu entriegeln und durch das bloße betätigen des Startknopfes zu starten. Ermöglicht wird dies durch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Keyless Apartment — (Харьков,Украина) Категория отеля: Адрес: площадь Свободы 7, корпус 2, Харьков, 6 … Каталог отелей
keyless entry system — A system which allows you to lock and unlock your vehicle s doors and trunk without using a key. One system is operated by punching a typically five digit code into a calculator style keypad located on the driver s door; if more than five seconds … Dictionary of automotive terms
keyless — adjective see key I … New Collegiate Dictionary
keyless — adjective Lacking or not requiring a key … Wiktionary
keyless — adj. without a key or keys; not needing a key … English contemporary dictionary