key money

key money
1. 1) взятка, которую даёт будущий квартиросъёмщик, чтобы получить освобождающуюся квартиру
2) дополнительная плата для возобновления или продления срока аренды
2. задаток или аванс, уплачиваемый квартиросъёмщиком при получении ключей от квартиры

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "key money" в других словарях:

  • Key money — is used differently in different parts of the world. It sometimes means money paid to an existing tenant who assigns a lease to a new tenant where the rent is below market. It sometimes means a bribe to a landlord. In other parts of the world it… …   Wikipedia

  • key money — ➔ money * * * key money UK US noun [U] ► PROPERTY a payment that the owner of a house, etc. gets from the person who is going to rent it: »In some agreements, the key money functions as a type of deposit …   Financial and business terms

  • key money — n. money paid covertly, and usually illegally, by a prospective tenant, as to a landlord, to increase the likelihood of being able to lease an apartment in an area where housing is scarce …   English World dictionary

  • Key Money — A payment made to a building owner, manager or landlord by a potential tenant in an attempt to secure a desired tenancy. Key money can be considered a type of deposit on a housing unit such as an apartment unit. Key money also refers to a… …   Investment dictionary

  • key money — noun 1. Britain : a payment required of a tenant especially of an apartment on taking possession of the key 2. : a bribe paid by a prospective tenant in order to obtain housing the key money for an average studio in Paris is in the neighborhood… …   Useful english dictionary

  • key money — key′ mon ey n. 1) bus advance rent or security required of a new tenant in exchange for the key to an apartment or house 2) bus money paid, usu. secretly, to a landlord, superintendent, or current tenant by a person desiring future occupancy •… …   From formal English to slang

  • key money — 1. advance rent or security required of a new tenant and given in exchange for the key to the house or apartment. 2. an amount of money paid, often secretly, to a landlord, superintendent, or current tenant by a person desiring future tenancy.… …   Universalium

  • key money — noun a payment required from a new tenant in exchange for the provision of a key to the premises …   English new terms dictionary

  • key money — /ˈki mʌni/ (say kee munee) noun a sum of money paid by a prospective tenant for the opportunity of obtaining an interest in a property …  

  • key money — payment given to a property owner in return for long term use of that property …   English contemporary dictionary

  • key money — / ki: ˌmʌni/ noun a premium paid when taking over the keys of a flat or office which you are renting …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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