- kewpie
- [ʹkju:pı] n
1. кьюпи, добрый эльф2. кукла-голыш, пупсик (тж. kewpie doll)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kewpie — Babypuppe Die Kewpie oder auch Kewpie Doll ist eine Puppe. Der Name leitet sich vom römischen Gott Cupido ab. Geschichte Bekannt wurde sie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts als sie erstmals 1913 in Ohrdruf in Thüringen hergestellt wurde. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kewpie — ☆ Kewpie [kyo͞o′pē, kyo͞o′pē ] [altered < CUPID] trademark for a chubby, rosy faced doll with its hair in a topknot n. [k ] KEWPIE DOLL … English World dictionary
kewpie — 1909, American English, coined by their illustrator, Rose C. O Neill (1874 1944), as an altered form of a diminutive of CUPID (Cf. Cupid) … Etymology dictionary
kewpie — noun A doll of the Kewpie brand, or any similar doll or depiction … Wiktionary
kewpie — [ kju:pi] (also kewpie doll) noun (trademark in the US) a type of doll characterized by a large head, big eyes, chubby cheeks, and a curl or topknot on top of its head. Origin early 20th cent. (orig. US): from Cupid, the name of the Roman god of… … English new terms dictionary
kewpie — /ˈkjupi/ (say kyoohpee) noun Colloquial a female prostitute. {rhyming slang, kewpie doll moll1} …
Kewpie doll (toy) — Kewpie dolls and figurines are based on comic strip like illustrations by Rose O Neill that appeared in Ladies Home Journal in 1909. The small dolls were extremely popular in the early 1900s. They were first produced in Ohrdruf, a small town in… … Wikipedia
Kewpie doll™ — [Kewpie doll] (also Kewpie)noun a US make of child’s ↑doll with a fat, happy face, big eyes and a curl of hair on the top of its head. The name comes from Cupid, the god of love. Kewpie dolls were … Useful english dictionary
Kewpie Doll — can refer to any of the following:*Kewpie doll (toy), a particular style of doll, awarded as a carnival prize and often collected * Kewpie Doll (song) , a song recorded by Perry Como and Frankie Vaughan, among others … Wikipedia
kewpie doll — n. 〚/span> KEWPIE〛 a doll like a Kewpie * * * … Universalium
kewpie doll — n. [< KEWPIE] a doll like a Kewpie … English World dictionary