- kermis
- [ʹkɜ:mıs] n
1. голл. ежегодная ярмарка-карнавал в Нидерландах, Бельгии и Люксембурге2. амер. (благотворительный) базар
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
kermis — or kermess [kʉr′mis] n. [Du kermis, orig. kerkmis < kerk,CHURCH + mis,MASS1: orig. the feast day of the local patron saint, hence, a fair or carnival held on that day] 1. in the Netherlands, Belgium, etc., an outdoor fair or carnival ☆ 2. any… … English World dictionary
kermis — or kermess or kermesse noun Etymology: Dutch kermis, from Middle Dutch kercmisse, from kerc, kerke church + misse mass, church festival Date: 1577 1. an outdoor festival of the Low Countries 2. a fair held usually for charitable purposes … New Collegiate Dictionary
kermis — /kerr mis/, n. 1. (in the Low Countries) a local, annual outdoor fair or festival. 2. a similar entertainment, usually for charitable purposes. Also, kermess, kirmess. [1570 80; < D, earlier ker(c)misse (kerc CHURCH + misse MASS); orig. a fair at … Universalium
kermis — n. kermess, kirmess, annual country fair that was held in the Netherlands and Belgium and in north Germany; fundraising fair … English contemporary dictionary
kermis — [ kə:mɪs] noun 1》 a summer fair held in towns and villages in the Netherlands. 2》 US a fair or carnival, especially one held to raise money for a charity. Origin C16: Du., orig. denoting a mass celebrated on the anniversary of the dedication of a … English new terms dictionary
kermis — ker·mis … English syllables
kermis — ker•mis or ker•mess [[t]ˈkɜr mɪs[/t]] n. 1) (in the Low Countries) a local annual outdoor fair or festival 2) a similar entertainment usu. for charitable purposes • Etymology: 1570–80; < D, earlier ker(c) misse (kerc church+misse mass II);… … From formal English to slang
kermis — /ˈkɜməs/ (say kermuhs) noun an annual fair or festival attended with sports and merrymaking, sometimes for charitable purposes. Also, kermess, kirmess. {Dutch, variant of kermisse, kerkmisse church mass (on the anniversary of the dedication of a… …
kermis — konfriyari … Woordenlijst Sranan
kermis — n. 1 a periodical country fair, esp. in the Netherlands. 2 US a charity bazaar. Etymology: Du., orig. = mass on the anniversary of the dedication of a church, when yearly fair was held: f. kerk formed as CHURCH + mis, misse MASS(2) … Useful english dictionary
Kermés — Kermis en Passau. Kermés o kermesse (del neerlandés kerkmis, kerk=iglesia, mis=misa, festival de iglesia) es el nombre que se da en España, Argentina,Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Perú … Wikipedia Español