- kelpie kelpy
kelpie, kelpy
1> _шотл. _фольк. келпи, водяной в образе лошади (который
топит прохожих)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kelpy — Kelpie Kel pie, Kelpy Kel py, n.; pl. {Kelpies}. [Cf. Gael. cailpeach, calpach, colpach, a heifer, steer, colt, colpa a cow or horse.] (Scotch Myth.) An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kelpie — Kel pie, Kelpy Kel py, n.; pl. {Kelpies}. [Cf. Gael. cailpeach, calpach, colpach, a heifer, steer, colt, colpa a cow or horse.] (Scotch Myth.) An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by preternatural… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kelpie — kelpie1 or kelpy [kel′pē] n. pl. kelpies [Scot < ? Gael calpa, colt] Celt. Folklore a water spirit, supposed to take the form of a horse and drown people kelpie2 [kel′pē] n. any of a breed of medium sized sheepdog with erect ears, a pointed… … English World dictionary
Kelpie (Wassergeist) — Darstellung von Theodor Kittelsen Ein Kelpie (auch Kelpy; Scots, möglicherweise zu gälisch calpa, „Ochse“[1]) ist ein Wassergeist, der im britischen, insbesondere im schottischen Volksglauben auftaucht. Er tritt in … Deutsch Wikipedia
kelpy — noun (Scottish folklore) water spirit in the form of a horse that likes to drown its riders • Syn: ↑kelpie • Topics: ↑folklore • Regions: ↑Scotland • Hypernyms: ↑evil spirit … Useful english dictionary
Kelpies — Kelpie Kel pie, Kelpy Kel py, n.; pl. {Kelpies}. [Cf. Gael. cailpeach, calpach, colpach, a heifer, steer, colt, colpa a cow or horse.] (Scotch Myth.) An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
evil spirit — noun a spirit tending to cause harm • Hypernyms: ↑spirit, ↑disembodied spirit • Hyponyms: ↑bad fairy, ↑bogey, ↑bogy, ↑bogie, ↑devil, ↑fiend, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Scotland — noun one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts (Freq. 2) • Members of this Region:… … Useful english dictionary
kel|pie — kel|pie1 «KEHL pee», noun. (in Scottish folklore) a water spirit, usually in the form of a horse, which haunts rivers and lakes and is supposed to drown people or warn them of drowning. Also, kelpy. ╂[apparently < Scottish Gaelic cailpeach… … Useful english dictionary