
[kəʹtæbəsi:z] pl от katabasis

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "katabases" в других словарях:

  • Katabasis — [In some academic fields like modern psychology also spelt catabasis] (from Greek κατα, down βαινω go ) means in general a descent , a journey downwards which can mean moving downhill, a sinking of winds, a military retreat, or a trip to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Descent to the underworld — Orfeu în Infern (Orpheus in Hell, ca. 1870) by Mihail Ştefănescu The descent to the underworld is a mytheme of comparative mythology found in a diverse number of religions from around the world, including Christianity. The hero or upper world… …   Wikipedia

  • katabasis — /keuh tab euh sis/, n., pl. katabases / seez /. 1. a march from the interior of a country to the coast, as that of the 10,000 Greeks after their defeat and the death of Cyrus the Younger at Cunaxa. 2. a retreat, esp. a military retreat. Cf.… …   Universalium

  • Catábasis — La Catábasis o Katabasis (del griego κατὰ, abajo βαίνω avance ) es un descenso de algún tipo, como bajar una ladera, el sol al atardecer, una retirada en una campaña militar, una expedición a los infiernos o un viaje desde el interior hacia la… …   Wikipedia Español

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