- kashmiri
- [kæʃʹmı(ə)rı] n (pl тж. без измен.)
1. кашмирец; кашмирка
the Kashmiri - собир. кашмирцы
2. кашмири (язык кашмирцев)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the Kashmiri - собир. кашмирцы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kashmiri — कॉशुर, कश्मीरी, کٲشُر Parlée en Inde Pakistan Région Cachemire … Wikipédia en Français
Kâshmîrî — Kashmiri Kashmiri कॉशुर, कश्मीरी, کٲشُر Parlée en Inde Pakistan Région Cachemire … Wikipédia en Français
Kashmiri — Gesprochen in Indien (Jammu und Kashmir), Pakistan Sprecher 5 Millionen Linguistische Klassifikation Indogermanische Sprachen Indoiranische Sprachen Indoarische S … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kashmiri — [kash mir′ē] n. 1. the Indo Aryan language spoken in Kashmir 2. pl. Kashmiris or Kashmiri a person born or living in Kashmir … English World dictionary
kashmiri — ● kashmiri nom masculin Langue indo aryenne du groupe darde, parlée au Cachemire par environ 3 millions de personnes … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kashmiri — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino LINGÜÍSTICA Se aplica a la lengua indoaria, de la familia indoeuropea, hablada en Cachemira. * * * Kashmiri, o cachemiro (PROEL) es una de las lenguas dárdicas que se usa principalmente en Cachemira, antiguamente… … Enciclopedia Universal
Kashmiri — /kash mear ee, kazh /, n., pl. Kashmiris, (esp. collectively) Kashmiri, adj. n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Kashmir. 2. the Indo Iranian language of the Kashmiri. adj. 3. of or pertaining to Kashmir or its people. * * * … Universalium
Kashmiri — 1. noun a) A person from Kashmir or of Kashmiri descent. b) The language spoken in Kashmir. 2. adjective Of or pertaining to the people Kashmir or the Kashmiri language. See Also: Kashmir … Wiktionary
Kashmiri — I noun 1. a member of the people of Kashmir • Hypernyms: ↑Indian 2. the official state language of Kashmir • Hypernyms: ↑Dard, ↑Dardic, ↑Dardic language II adjective … Useful english dictionary
Kashmiri — noun (plural Kashmiris or Kashmiri) Date: 1880 1. an Indo Aryan language spoken in Kashmir 2. a native or inhabitant of Kashmir … New Collegiate Dictionary
Kashmiri — Kash•mir•i [[t]kæʃˈmɪər i, kæʒ [/t]] n. pl. mir•is, adj. 1) peo a native or inhabitant of Kashmir 2) peo a Dardic language spoken in Kashmir 3) peo of or pertaining to Kashmir, its inhabitants, or the language Kashmiri … From formal English to slang