- kainogenesis
- [͵keınə(ʋ)ʹdʒenısıs] n биол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kainogenĕsis — (griech., Cänogenesis, Entwickelungsabänderung). Das »biogenetische Grundgesetz« (s. Entwickelungsgeschichte) erleidet in zahlreichen Fällen Einschränkungen, indem im Entwickelungsgange Stadien auftreten, die nicht rein phylogenetisch erklärbar… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
kainogenesis — noun introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution) • Syn: ↑cenogenesis, ↑kenogenesis,… … Useful english dictionary
kainogenesis — /kaɪnoʊˈdʒɛnəsəs/ (say kuynoh jenuhsuhs) noun → cainogenesis. –kainogenetic /ˌkaɪnoʊdʒəˈnɛtɪk/ (say .kuynohjuh netik), adjective –kainogenetically /ˌkaɪnoʊdʒəˈnɛtɪkli/ (say .kuynohjuh netiklee), adverb …
Caenogenesis — (also variously spelled cainogenesis, cenogenesis, kainogenesis, kenogenesis) is the introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species, as opposed to… … Wikipedia
Cänogenesis — Cänogenesis, s. Kainogenesis … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Entwickelungsabänderung — (Kainogenesis), s. Entwickelungsgeschichte … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Entwickelungsgeschichte — (Ontogenie; hierzu Tafel »Entwickelungsgeschichte I« in Farbendruck, mit Textblatt, und Tafel II u. III mit Deckblättern), die Wissenschaft von der Hervorbildung der Pflanzen und Tiere aus dem Ei bis zur Erlangung der definitiven Gestalt, umfaßt… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
cainogenesis — /ˌkaɪnoʊˈdʒɛnəsəs/ (say .kuynoh jenuhsuhs) noun development of an individual which does not repeat the phylogeny of its race, stock, or group (opposed to palingenesis). Also, Chiefly US, kainogenesis, cenogenesis. {caino + genesis} –cainogenetic… …
caenogenesis — noun introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution) • Syn: ↑cenogenesis, ↑kenogenesis,… … Useful english dictionary
cainogenesis — noun introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution) • Syn: ↑cenogenesis, ↑kenogenesis,… … Useful english dictionary
cenogenesis — noun introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution) • Syn: ↑kenogenesis, ↑caenogenesis,… … Useful english dictionary