- jump bid
- [ʹdʒʌmpbıd] карт.
завышенная ставка для увеличения ставки партнёра
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
jump bid — n. Bridge a bid that is higher than is necessary to surpass the previous bid … English World dictionary
jump bid — jump′ bid n. gam a bid in bridge higher than necessary to reach the next bidding level, usu. indicating exceptional strength … From formal English to slang
jump bid — noun : a bridge bid of more tricks than are necessary in the denomination specified to overcall the preceding bid called also jump * * * Bridge. a bid higher than necessary to reach the next bidding level, usually to indicate exceptional strength … Useful english dictionary
jump bid — /ˈdʒʌmp bɪd/ (say jump bid) noun (in bridge) any bid which is higher than that needed to increase the bid made previously …
Jump Bid — Bridge A bid of more tricks than are legally needed to overcall the previous bid, such as Three Spades after a bid of Two Hearts … The official rules of card games glossary
jump bid — Bridge. a bid higher than necessary to reach the next bidding level, usually to indicate exceptional strength. * * * … Universalium
Fit seeking jump bid — is a convention usually played only in competitive bidding situations (i. e. where both sides are bidding).After a player has opened in a suit or overcalled and opponents are also bidding, his partner s jump in a new suit shows length in the suit … Wikipedia
jump — [jump] vi. [< ?] 1. to move oneself suddenly from the ground, etc. by using the leg muscles; leap; spring 2. to be moved with a jerk; bob; bounce 3. to parachute from an aircraft 4. to move, act, or react energetically or eagerly: often with… … English World dictionary
jump-shift — /jump shift /, n. Bridge. a jump bid in a suit different from the suit just bid by one s partner. * * * … Universalium
jump-shift — /jump shift /, n. Bridge. a jump bid in a suit different from the suit just bid by one s partner … Useful english dictionary
jump — jumpable, adj. jumpingly, adv. /jump/, v.i. 1. to spring clear of the ground or other support by a sudden muscular effort; leap: to jump into the air; to jump out a window. 2. to rise suddenly or quickly: He jumped from his seat when she entered … Universalium