- jugoslav
- 1. [͵ju:gə(ʋ)ʹslɑ:v] n
югослав; югославка; житель или уроженец Югославии2. [͵ju:gə(ʋ)ʹslɑ:v] aюгославский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Jugoslav — prop. n. A native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia. [Also spelled {Yugoslav}.] Syn: Yugoslav, Yugoslavian, Jugoslavian. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jugoslav — var. of YUGOSLAV. * * * noun a native or inhabitant of Yugoslavia • Syn: ↑Yugoslav, ↑Yugoslavian, ↑Jugoslavian • Derivationally related forms: ↑Yugoslavian (for: ↑Yugoslavian), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Jugoslav Dobricanin — Jugoslav Dobričanin Jugoslav Dobričanin, en serbe cyrillique Југослав Добричанин (né le 9 mars 1956 à Dešiška, près de Kuršumlija) est un homme politique serbe. Il est le vice président du Parti réformiste. Il s est présenté à l… … Wikipédia en Français
Jugoslav Dobričanin — Jugoslav Dobričanin, M.A. ( sr. Југослав Добричанин, born March 9, 1956 near Kuršumlija) is Serbian politician. He is the vice president of the Reformist Party. Jugoslav Dobričanin was running for a president on Serbian presidential election,… … Wikipedia
Jugoslav Dobričanin — Jugoslav Dobričanin, en serbe cyrillique Југослав Добричанин (né le 9 mars 1956 à Dešiška, près de Kuršumlija) est un homme politique serbe. Il est le vice président du Parti réformiste. Il s est présenté à l élection présidentielle… … Wikipédia en Français
Jugoslav Vasović — (born May 31, 1974 in Belgrade) is a Serbian water polo player who played for FR Yugoslavia at the 2000 Summer Olympics.He play for VK Partizan.References* [http://www.oks.org.yu/i12703e.htm Serbian Olympic Committee] … Wikipedia
Jugoslav Lazić — (born 12 December 1979) is a Serbian football goalkeeper. He used to be in the U 21 national team of the former Serbia Montenegro. He currently plays for SC Lokeren in Belgium … Wikipedia
Jugoslav — adjective or noun see Jugoslavia … New Collegiate Dictionary
Jugoslav — Jugoslavic, adj. /yooh goh slahv , slav /, n., adj. Yugoslav. * * * … Universalium
Jugoslav — noun & adjective old fashioned spelling of Yugoslav … English new terms dictionary
Jugoslav — Ju•go•slav [[t]ˈyu goʊˌslɑv, ˌslæv[/t]] n. geg Yugoslav … From formal English to slang