- journalese
- [͵dʒɜ:n(ə)lʹi:z] n разг.
газетный штамп; газетный язык
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Journalese — is the artificial or hyperbolic, and sometimes over abbreviated, language regarded as characteristic of the popular media. Joe Grimm, formerly of the Detroit Free Press likened journalese to a stage voice : We write journalese out of habit,… … Wikipedia
journalese — n. the linguistic style in which newspapers are written. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
journalese — Some words and uses are peculiar to the language of newspaper articles and, more especially, newspaper headlines. Examples are probe for ‘investigation’ or ‘investigate’ (Hong Kong missing millions probe), quiz for ‘interrogate’ (Police quiz… … Modern English usage
journalese — ► NOUN informal ▪ a hackneyed writing style supposedly characteristic of journalists … English terms dictionary
journalese — [jʉr΄nəl ēz′] n. a style of writing and diction characteristic of many newspapers, magazines, etc.; facile or sensational style, with many clichés … English World dictionary
journalese — /jerr nl eez , ees /, n. 1. a manner of writing or speaking characterized by clichés, occasional neologism, archness, sensationalizing adjectives, unusual or faulty syntax, etc., used by some journalists, esp. certain columnists, and regarded as… … Universalium
journalese — noun A style of writing used in some newspapers and magazines, characterized by cliché, hyperbolic language and clipped syntax. We write journalese out of habit, sometimes from misguided training, and to sound urgent, authoritative and, well,… … Wiktionary
journalese — noun Date: 1882 a style of writing held to be characteristic of newspapers … New Collegiate Dictionary
journalese — Synonyms and related words: Varietyese, Wall Streetese, Washingtonese, business English, businessese, cinemese, collegese, commercialism, computerese, economese, editorial, federalese, journalistic, legalese, magazinish, magaziny, medical Greek,… … Moby Thesaurus
journalese — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. newspaper idiom, editorial style, newspeak; see dialect , jargon 3 , language 1 … English dictionary for students
journalese — jour|nal|ese [ˌdʒə:nəlˈi:z US ə:r ] n [U] language that is typical of newspapers … Dictionary of contemporary English