- joss
- [dʒɒs] n
1. китайский идол2. разг.1) талисман, амулет2) счастье, везенье
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Joss — may refer to:* JOSS, a time sharing programming language;People * Joss Ackland, British actor * Joss Stone, British female soul singer * Joss Whedon, television writer/producer * Joss Supercar, an Australian built automobile * King Joss (also… … Wikipedia
Joss — ist ein sowohl weiblicher als auch männlicher Vorname, der meist als Kosename für eine Person namens Jocelyne, Joscelin, Joseph, Joslin, Josslyn, Joslyn oder Joscelyn verwendet wird. Bekannte Namensträger sind: Familienname: Joß Fritz (* um 1470; … Deutsch Wikipedia
JOSS — Desarrollador(es) J. Clifford Shaw Información general Apareció en 1964 Influido por ALGOL 58 Ha influido a … Wikipedia Español
Joss — (j[o^]s), n. [Chinese, corrupt. fr. Pg. deos God, L. deus.] A Chinese household divinity; a Chinese idol. Critic in jars and josses. Colman (1761). [1913 Webster] {Joss house}, a Chinese temple or house for the Chinese mode of worship. {Joss… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
joss — (n.) Chinese figure of a deity, 1711, from Chinese Pidgin English, from Javanese dejos, taken 16c. from Port. deus god, from L. deus (see ZEUS (Cf. Zeus)). Colloquially, it came to mean luck. Joss stick Chinese incense first recorded 1883 … Etymology dictionary
Joss — m, f English: short form of JOCELYN (SEE Jocelyn), occasionally used as an independent given name. In part it may also represent a revival of a medieval spelling of the male name JOYCE (SEE Joyce) … First names dictionary
joss — [jôs, jäs] n. [PidE < Port deos < L deus, a god: see DEITY] a figure of a Chinese god; Chinese idol … English World dictionary
joss|er — «JOS uhr», noun. British Slang. an old fellow … Useful english dictionary
JOSS — This article is on the programming language. See also religion in China and incense, Joss Stone for the British female soul singer, or Joss Whedon for the television writer/producer JOSS (an acronym for JOHNNIAC Open Shop System ) was one of the… … Wikipedia
Joss — This interesting surname is of Norman French origins, and derives from an Old French personal name Gosse , itself a shortened nickname form of Gocelin. The true origination is probably the Germanic Gozzo , of the pre 7th Century, itself a… … Surnames reference
Joss — Jos, Joss Kurzform von Namen mit »Jos«; Kurzform von → Jodokus (Bedeutung: Herr, Krieger). Joss ist auch ein Mädchenname … Deutsch namen