- josh
- [dʒɒʃ] n
Джош (мужское имя); см. Joshua
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Josh — ist der Vorname folgender Personen: Josh Beckett (* 1980), US amerikanischer Baseballspieler Josh Blake (* 1975 als Joshua Buxbaum), US amerikanischer Fernsehschauspieler Josh Brolin (* 1968), US amerikanischer Schauspieler; Sohn von James Brolin … Deutsch Wikipedia
Josh — may refer to: * JoSH, a Canadian Indian/Pakistani fusion band * Josh (The Outer Limits), a fourth season episode of The Outer Limits television series, first broadcast on March 6th, of 1998 * Josh (film) (Hindi: जोश, Urdu: جوش), a 2000 Bollywood… … Wikipedia
josh´er — josh «josh», verb, noun. U.S. Informal. –v.t., v.i. to make good natured fun of; tease playfully; banter: »You re only joshing me (Bret Harte). –n. good natured banter. ╂[American English, perhaps < Josh, nickname for Joshua] –josh´er … Useful english dictionary
josh — (v.) to make fun of, to banter, 1845, American English, probably from the familiar version of the proper name JOSHUA (Cf. Joshua), but just which Joshua, or why, is long forgotten. Perhaps it was taken as a typical name of an old farmer. The word … Etymology dictionary
josh — josh·er; josh·ua; josh; … English syllables
Josh|u|a — «JOSH u uh», noun. 1. the successor of Moses, who led the children of Israel into the Promised Land (in the Bible). 2. a book of the Old Testament. Abbr: Josh … Useful english dictionary
josh — [dʒɔʃ US dʒa:ʃ] v [I and T] old fashioned to talk to someone or laugh at them in a gentle joking way ▪ The guys josh him and call him an egghead … Dictionary of contemporary English
Josh — /josh/, n. a male given name, form of Joshua. * * * … Universalium
Josh — m English: short form of JOSHUA (SEE Joshua), occasionally used as an independent given name … First names dictionary
josh — [ dʒaʃ ] verb intransitive AMERICAN INFORMAL to make jokes … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
josh — vb *banter, chaff, kid, rag, rib, jolly … New Dictionary of Synonyms