- joseph
- [ʹdʒəʋzıf] n
1. Джозеф (мужское имя)2. 1) библ. Иосиф2) целомудренный юноша3. (joseph) ист. длинный женский плащ для верховой езды
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Joseph — Joseph … Deutsch Wörterbuch
JOSEPH — (Heb. יְהוֹסֵף, יוֹסֵף), son of jacob and Rachel. He was born in Paddan Aram after his mother had been barren for seven years (Gen. 29:20, 30; 30:22–24, 25; 31:41). Nothing is related of his childhood. Joseph and His Brothers At the age of 17… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Joseph — • The eleventh son of Jacob, the firstborn of Rachel, and the immediate ancestor of the tribes of Manasses and Ephraim Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Joseph Joseph … Catholic encyclopedia
Joseph I. — Joseph oder auch Josef hießen folgende Herrscher: Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Joseph I./II. 2 Joseph + weitere Namen 3 Kirchliche Herrscher 4 Nichtregenten // … Deutsch Wikipedia
Joseph II — Joseph oder auch Josef hießen folgende Herrscher: Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Joseph I./II. 2 Joseph + weitere Namen 3 Kirchliche Herrscher 4 Nichtregenten // … Deutsch Wikipedia
joseph — ● joseph nom masculin (de Joseph Montgolfier, nom propre) Type de papier filtre. Joseph selon la Genèse, patriarche hébreu, 11e fils de Jacob et prem. fils de Rachel. Vendu par ses frères, il devint intendant de Putiphar, officier du pharaon puis … Encyclopédie Universelle
Joseph II — d Autriche Joseph II Empereur des Romains … Wikipédia en Français
Joseph II — • German Emperor (reigned 1765 90), of the House of Hapsburg Lorraine, son and successor of Maria Theresa and Francis I Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Joseph II Joseph II … Catholic encyclopedia
Joseph — may refer to:People with the name Joseph: * Joseph (name), about the given name * Joseph (surname), for people with the last name Joseph * Jose, shortened name * Saint Joseph (disambiguation), for saints named Joseph * Joseph (Hebrew Bible) *… … Wikipedia
JOSEPH — JOSEPH, pioneer family in Canadian business and Jewish life. The Canadian Jewish branch of the Joseph family (some converted to Catholicism and others intermarried with Protestants) was founded by HENRY JOSEPH (1775–1832), a nephew of Aaron Hart … Encyclopedia of Judaism
JOSEPH II° — (1741–1790), king of Germany (1764–90) and Holy Roman emperor (1765–90); co regent with his mother, maria theresa , until her death in 1780. Although educated in the spirit of the Enlightenment, he nevertheless remained a practicing Roman… … Encyclopedia of Judaism