- jordanian
- 1. [dʒɔ:ʹdeınıən] n
иорданец; иорданка; житель или уроженец Иордании2. [dʒɔ:ʹdeınıən] aиорданский, относящийся к Иордании
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Jordanian — adj. 1. Of or pertaining to Jordan[1]; as, Jordanian archeological sites. [WordNet 1.5] 2. Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Jordan; as, Jordanian palace guards. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jordanian — n. A native or inhabitant of Jordan. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jordanian — [[t]ʤɔː(r)de͟ɪniən[/t]] ♦♦♦ Jordanians 1) ADJ Jordanian means belonging or relating to the country of Jordan, or to its people or culture. 2) N COUNT A Jordanian is a Jordanian citizen, or a person of Jordanian origin … English dictionary
Jordanian — 1. noun A person from Jordan or of Jordanian descent. 2. adjective Of, from, or pertaining to Jordan or the Jordanian people … Wiktionary
Jordanian — n. resident of Jordan, one of Jordanian origin adj. of or pertaining to Jordan, of Jordanian origin … English contemporary dictionary
Jordanian — adj. & n. adj. of or relating to the kingdom of Jordan in the Middle East. n. 1 a native or national of Jordan. 2 a person of Jordanian descent. Etymology: Jordan, river flowing into the Dead Sea … Useful english dictionary
Jordanian Armed Forces — القوّات المسلّحة الاردنيّة Emblem of the Jordanian Armed Forces Founded … Wikipedia
Jordanian Arabic — is a dialect of Arabic language originated in Jordan. The current Jordanian Arabic is a mix of Bedouin and Palestinian dialects, with some new terms and ways of speech added by the current Jordanian citizens. Types of Jordanian Arabic There are… … Wikipedia
Jordanian Communist Party — الحزب الشیوعی الاردنی Leader Dr. Munir Hamarana Founded 1948 … Wikipedia
Jordanian National Liberation Movement — was a clandestine Jordanian political movement, connected to the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The group considered the Jordanian government as fascist. In its own description it demanded the removal of the Wasfi al Tal… … Wikipedia
Jordanian Progressive Party — is a Jordanian political party. The party emerged out of a split in the Jordanian People s Democratic Party, parallel to the split in the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine over the Oslo Agreements. The founders of the Jordanian… … Wikipedia