- jollily
- [ʹdʒɒlılı] adv
весело; забавно; шумно
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
jollily — jollily, jolly adverbs. Jolly is used as a colloquial substitute for very (A jolly good idea / You know jolly well). The adverb meaning ‘in a jolly manner’ is jollily, although awkwardness of articulation reduces its use when in a jolly manner… … Modern English usage
Jollily — Jol li*ly, adv. In a jolly manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jollily — Ⅰ. jolly [1] ► ADJECTIVE (jollier, jolliest) 1) happy and cheerful. 2) lively and entertaining. ► VERB (jollies, jollied) informal ▪ encourage in a friendly … English terms dictionary
jollily — lə̇lē, li adverb Etymology: Middle English jolifly, jolily, from jolif, joly + ly : in a jolly manner : cheerfully passing jollily along the street Laurence Sterne … Useful english dictionary
jollily — See jolly. * * * … Universalium
jollily — adverb in a jolly manner … Wiktionary
jollily — adv. happily, merrily, mirthfully … English contemporary dictionary
jollily — jol·li·ly … English syllables
jolly — jollily, jolly adverbs. Jolly is used as a colloquial substitute for very (A jolly good idea / You know jolly well). The adverb meaning ‘in a jolly manner’ is jollily, although awkwardness of articulation reduces its use when in a jolly manner… … Modern English usage
jolly — jollily, adv. jolliness, n. /jol ee/, adj., jollier, jolliest, v., jollied, jollying, n., pl. jollies, adv. adj. 1. in good spirits; gay; merry: In a moment he was as jolly as ever. 2. cheerfully festive or convivial: a jolly party … Universalium
-lily — Few adjectives in ly form adverbs in lily because they are too awkward to use. As Fowler noted (1926), ‘it is always possible to say in a masterly manner, at a timely moment, and the like, instead of masterlily, timelily’. Some adjectives in ly… … Modern English usage