john henry

john henry
1. = John Hancock
2. амер. фольк. Джон Генри, негритянский богатырь

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "john henry" в других словарях:

  • John Henry — may refer to: *John Henry (folklore), the steel driving man , is an American folk heroReal people* John Joseph Henry (1758–1811), American Revolutionary War soldier * John Henry (Maryland), an 18th century U.S. Senator from and Governor of… …   Wikipedia

  • John Henry — ist der Name von: John F. Henry (* 1943), Wirtschaftswissenschaftler John W. Henry (* 1949), US amerikanischer Unternehmer John Henry (Politiker) (1750–1798), US amerikanischer Politiker John Henry (Historiker) (* 1950), britischer Historiker… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John\ Henry — • John Hancock • John Henry noun informal Your signature; your name in writing. The man said, Put your John Hancock on this paper. Joe felt proud when he put his John Henry on his very first driver s license …   Словарь американских идиом

  • John Henry — • John Henry • John Hancock signature Please sign your John Henry here and we will process your order right away …   Idioms and examples

  • John Henry — ☆ John Henry1 n. Informal one s signature John Henry2 n. American Folklore the hero, usually depicted as black, of an American ballad, who died after a contest pitting his strength with a sledge hammer against that of a steam drill …   English World dictionary

  • John Henry — pl. John Henries for 1. 1. Informal. a person s signature. 2. U.S. Folklore. a legendary black man of exceptional strength and stamina. [1910 15, Amer.; from the proper name] * * * ▪ folk hero       hero of a widely sung U.S. black folk ballad.… …   Universalium

  • John Henry — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Folklore John Henry, héros du folklore américain ; Patronyme John Henry, historien des sciences britannique ; Peinture John Henry, peintre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • John Henry — noun Etymology: from the name John Henry, from confusion with John Hancock Date: circa 1914 an autograph signature …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • John Henry — signature, signed name    To give you a refund, we need your John Henry on this form …   English idioms

  • John Henry (folklore) — John Henry is an American folk hero, who has been the subject of numerous songs, stories, plays, and novels. Like other Big Men such as Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, and Iron John, John Henry also served as a mythical representation of a group within… …   Wikipedia

  • John Henry Mackay — (* 6. November 1864 in Greenock bei Glasgow, Schottland; † 16. Mai 1933 in Berlin Charlottenburg) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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