- jodhpurs
- [ʹdʒɒdpəz] n употр. с гл. во мн. ч.
джодпуры, бриджи для верховой езды
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Jodhpurs — are tight fitting trousers that reach to the ankle, where they end in a snug cuff, and are worn primarily for horseback riding. The term can also refer to a type of short riding boot, also called a paddock boot or a jodhpur boot . Originally,… … Wikipedia
jodhpurs — ● jodhpurs nom masculin pluriel (de Jodhpur, nom propre) Pantalon d équitation ample au niveau des cuisses et serré du genou à la cheville. ⇒JODHPURS, subst. masc. plur. Pantalon d équitation importé des Indes par les officiers anglais, ajusté du … Encyclopédie Universelle
jodhpurs — (n.) 1913 (earlier as jodhpur breeches, 1899), from Jodhpur, former state in northwestern India. The city at the heart of the state was founded 1459 by Rao Jodha, a local ruler, and is named for him … Etymology dictionary
jodhpurs — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ trousers worn for horse riding that are close fitting below the knee and have reinforced patches on the inside of the leg. ORIGIN named after the Indian city of Jodhpur … English terms dictionary
Jodhpurs — klassisch geschnittene Jodhpur Reithose Jodhpurs, auch als Jodhpurhose bezeichnet (nach der indischen Stadt Jodhpur), nennt die Reiterbekleidungsbranche heute eine knöchellange Reithose, die meist an der Innenseite mit einem abriebfesten Material … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jodhpurs — Une cavalière portant des jodhpurs. Les jodhpurs sont un pantalon d’équitation importé des Indes par les officiers anglais, ajusté du genou à la cheville et qui se porte sans bottes. Leur nom, emprunté de l’hindi jodhpur (abréviation de pantalon… … Wikipédia en Français
jodhpurs — [[t]ʤɒ̱dpə(r)z[/t]] N PLURAL: also a pair of N (The form jodhpur is used as a modifier.) Jodhpurs are trousers that people wear when they ride a horse. Jodhpurs are usually loose above the knee and tight below the knee. ...a boy in jodhpurs … English dictionary
jodhpurs — (JOD poors) [After the former name of the state of Rajasthan, in northwestern India] Riding breeches that fit closely between the knee and the ankle, and loosely above the knee, a style adopted by military officers during the British… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
jodhpurs — jodh·purs (jŏdʹpərz) pl.n. Wide hipped riding pants of heavy cloth, fitting tightly from knee to ankle. [After Jodhpur.] * * * … Universalium
jodhpurs — (ind.) Pantalones de montar que se usan sin botas, con botines especiales … Diccionario Lunfardo
Jodhpurs — Jodh|purs 〈Pl.〉 = Jodhpurhose … Universal-Lexikon